
Knee High by the Fourth of July

Well, if the old saying about growing corn is true, I think we’re headed for a good (yet small) corn crop this year!

Yes, this photo is of our Three Sisters bed in the front yard and
yes, this photo was actually taken on the Fourth of July 🙂

Additionally, I had one bed in the back yard that refused to germinate with the beets, chard and spinach I’d sowed and resowed this spring and early summer, so I decided to throw some more corn and a few soy beans in there to see if they’d do any better.

While these two are closer to…say…ankle high, I’m crossing my fingers that the wacky weather we’ve been having might just give us a longer summer and, therefore, the opportunity for these little sprouts to do more than just look pretty.
Here’s hoping!
Have you late sown anything in your garden that you’re hopeful about this season?  Please share!
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4 Comments on “Knee High by the Fourth of July

  1. I wish i had a green thumb but i just cant, im thinking of just sticking with cactus’s!
    x Eloise – Jazzlipsandtulips

    1. It’s taken me a while to develop my green thumb…I used to kill most plants 😉 Keep playing and practicing…you’ll get it down! Although, I *do* love cacti, too 😉

  2. Yay! Our corn hits me about mid-thigh but I am a SHorty McSHort-Short, haha. What kind did you plant? Do you have problems with corn borers in your area? We do here in Ohio. We use vegetable oil/ mineral oil to coat the silks when they set and use BT. You can also release Trichogramma wasps and spray pyrethrin (derived from Chrysanthemums). We use all except the wasps. I need to order some wasp eggs since they will take care of quite few different bad bugs. And of course we have to contend with the raccoons and deer :-/

    It is a wonder we get to harvest anything…

    1. Ha…I’m pretty short, too 😉 We haven’t had any trouble with borers yet, but new bugs are finding our yard every year! I’ve never heard of those wasps before…very interesting! I’ll have to do some research 🙂 Thanks, Tonya!

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