A sturdy paper plate, paper, crayons or markers, scissors, yarn or string, a stapler or tape
30 – 60 minutes
- Draw a spiral on your paper plate and cut along the
- line you drew
- Decorate your paper plate however you like using your crayons or markers
- On your paper, draw and cut out:
- a leaf with tiny eggs on it
- a caterpillar
- a chrysalis
- a butterfly
- Staple or tape a piece of string (about 6 inches long) to each creation (leaf, caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly) then attach each to your paper plate spiral
- Attach a piece of string to the middle of your spiral so you can hang your mobile up!
Have you ever watched a caterpillars transformation? How does a caterpillars growth into a butterfly differ from our own maturation?
Butterflies, like bees, play an important role in the pollination (and therefore survival) of countless plants and trees.
Did you know that it is estimated that there are between 17,000 and 28,000 species of butterflies in the world? Or that the average butterfly only lives 20-40 days? Did you also know that butterfly wings are covered in overlapping rows of tiny scales?
Imagine how it might feel to spend most of your life eating and fluttering around? What predators might you have to worry about if you were a butterfly? How might the world look from your point of view? Do you think that a butterfly knows how little, beautiful or important it is?
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