
Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!

Looking back on last years June harvests, I’m feeling more than a little behind.  I am , however, trying to keep in mind that weather is a mysterious thing.

Last year we had a mild winter and a very warm spring which led to early germination, happy transplants and many early harvests (you can read a little about the bounty here and here).

This year, however, our winter and spring were very dry and cold. Then, as I’ve mentioned before, our summer has come on hard and fast with record breaking temperatures and nasty, drying winds.  This has led to slower germination and struggling transplants in the garden.

It’s not all bad, though.  This week brought us a bit more rhubarb, a few more strawberries and our very first tomato of the year…a Yellow Taxi, of course!  Little, yes…but gorgeous and just what I needed to restore my faith in the possible productivity of our little garden this year!

I wish I could tell you how delicious that tomato was, but it came off the vine while my dad was visiting yesterday so it became his Father’s Day gift.  I’m not sure I could have purchased him anything better.
Harvest totals for the week:
  • Rhubarb = 12 oz
  • Strawberries = 14 oz
  • Tomato (Yellow Taxi) = 3 oz
  • Eggs = 78
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Happy harvesting!
Linking up to Harvest Monday @ Daphne’s Dandelions
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9 Comments on “Harvest Monday

  1. A first tomato! I’m jealous. We will be a couple of months before we have our first tomatoes this year. We are really behind this year too. I have yet to harvest anything from the new garden. 🙁

  2. I’m not even close to a first tomato! All my other stuff seems to be booming along, but the tomatoes, not so much. Strawberries and rhubarb together, that is nice!

  3. Lucky Dad! Good daughter. 🙂 The weather is a mysterious thing, we’re having “normal” weather after 2 years of long cool springs and cool summers. Although we got about half the normal amount of rain. Ah well, can’t have it all. I hope it continues and that your weather moderates.

  4. That’s a very generous Father’s Day gift. The first tomato of the year. 🙂

    1. That’s what I thought 😉 It’s a good thing that fresh-off-the-vine tomatoes are his favorite thing in the world 😉

  5. That was a generous gift. I’m sure it will be rewarded by baskets of Yellow Taxis for yourself. My first tomatoes are usually the cherries and nobody needs to know that but me. They never make it into the house.

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