
Rhubarb Flowers

How many rhubarb flowers can possibly grow on a single plant?  It looks like the record so far is seven.  Have you ever seen so many flowers on one plant before???  Holy cow…Looks like we just might have an over-achiever!


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2 Comments on “Rhubarb Flowers

  1. While pretty, the flowers on rhubarb are not a good thing. The plant puts it’s energy into seed production rather than fruit – the stalks. You need to snap them off as soon as you see them. It can also be a sign that the plant is stressed – not enough water or too much fertilizer. Some years ours grow the seed pods more than others. This year one plant is doing it and four others are not. We need to pick our rhubarb tomorrow – so many delicious things you can make with it and so easy to freeze. Enjoy yours!

    1. Yes, yes and yes! No need for pretty flowers when food can be produced 🙂 The extra flowering may have been caused by a lack of water…we have been under a state of continuous drought here for a few years now and we weren’t watering regularly until this past week. I’m thinking our first harvest will happen next weekend! Can’t hardly wait!

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