Environmental Education - Everything Else - Grow

101 in 1001 – #66 – Bookshelf Re-Do

Last weekend, while Tool Lady was out of town visiting family in STL, I decided to take all of the books off of the bookshelves in the Guest Room/Nursery-in-the-making and transfer them downstairs and onto the bookshelves in the Living Room.

Let me just tell you…I completely under-estimated how much time this would take me, let alone how many trips up and down the stairs this little project entail.  However, after a few hours, it all came together and I am quite happy with the outcome…


Pictures & nick knacks…

Books, books and more books!

I had to add in a few family photos and a couple of nick knacks.

My favorite photo of my Grandma & my child
sit atop a few of the books my Grandma wrote.
Curious?  Google Eve Featheringill.

I’m not sure a day goes by that I don’t think of my Mom.

It all came together quite nicely, don’t you think?

Now I just have to find the time to create two “gallery walls”…one art-filled wall and one family photo filled wall…as well as complete the enormous task of transforming that Guest Room!


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