

With the forecast calling for warmer days and nights for the next several days, I finally got a few peas in the ground (Tom Thumb & Cascadia)! It’s good thing too, because they were way too big for their little seed starting pods!

Tom Thumb Peas


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4 Comments on “Peas

  1. They’re looking great! I can’t wait to start planting in the garden… it’s still to cold yet (weather forecast is calling for -1 on Monday).

    Looking forward to watching your garden grow this summer!

    Have a great day.

    1. -1 on Monday?!?! What the heck is that all about? Oh man, I hope it warms up quickly for you 🙂

      Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. My peas didn’t work at all this year…out of the > dozen seeds I put in, not a single one came up! I don’t know what went wrong 🙁 Very best to you in all you’ve got coming up 🙂

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