
Harvest Monday

Well, after what feels like a very long time, we are finally harvesting again!  I always forget how a few greens growing under grow lights can brighten up our lunches and make me yearn for Spring and all that She brings with her!

In addition to the hopefulness of greens, our ladies are happily laying again as well.  There were a few months throughout the fall and early winter when we were lucky to get an egg or two each day…which, when you consider we have 15 laying hens, feels like a whole lot of nothing!  But, with the days getting longer, molting in the past (for now) and some time spent free-ranging in a front yard filled with sunshine, we’re now getting 10-12 eggs each day.

While the total greens below reflects what was harvested this week, the egg count reflects January 1st thru today.  Now that I’m caught up on the number and have a few things growing, I’m hoping to post our harvests more often.  Even if every harvest is green for a while, it’ll still be a harvest to be grateful for.



  • Mixed greens = 3 oz
  • Eggs = 112

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Happy harvesting!
Linking up to Harvest Monday @ Daphne’s Dandelions


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20 Comments on “Harvest Monday

  1. Nothing beats your own free range eggs,makes a meal fit for a king!!

  2. All the early season harvests are wonderful – no matter if the colors are almost always green, green, and more green! Glad to hear the hens are back producing. Ours have turned on the egg laying again too.

  3. Your ladies do a great job! 112 eggs – that’s impressive! I think I’m going to buy some chickens 🙂

    1. Oh yes! I highly recommend getting a few laying hens! You really can’t beat the fresh eggs and their little personalities are a hoot!

  4. Such beautiful eggs, we are getting some chickens (day olds or thereabouts) this weekend so it will be a long time before we get eggs but I’m really looking forward to seeing them grow.

    1. Oh yes! Chicks are the best! We’re thinking we’ll get a few more in a couple of weeks as well! What breed are you going to get?

  5. You take the prettiest pictures! Congrats on the hens. We get ours from 2nd Family but they haven’t started laying yet. Not sure why. Hen’s can be fickle huh?

    1. Thank you! Yes, hens can be fickle…they’re a little sensitive 😉 I’m just happy they’re laying again!

  6. Nice job! We couldn’t maintain our cold frames this fall. Hopefully next year we’ll have the resources we need. You are an inspiration!

  7. Such a beautiful collection of eggs, so many different colors. Is it because of different breeds?
    Love how you arranged and photographed them.

    1. The different colors are partially due to the different breeds we have…our Ameraucanas lay pretty much every color you see there while our Buff Orpingtons and Black Astralorps lay browns and pink-ish colored eggs. It’s always such a treat to collect the eggs and see all of the different colors 🙂

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