

I am incredibly happy to report that our chickens are officially laying again!  We hit a dry spell there last fall when several of the ladies were molting…Then, the weather got cold and I think they all went on strike! That is, until last week when they started laying again  🙂  Thank goodness!  We’ve been getting 5-7 eggs a day for the last several days and, honestly, I’d almost forgotten how delicious fresh eggs are!

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6 Comments on “Eggs!

  1. I’d LOVE a couple of chickens. Problem is RMan reckons that chicken will attract even more field mice (to eat the chicken feed which has spilled out), which will attract even more snakes…

  2. The chickens will eat the mice. I only have had a rat snake that never bothered anything. Dogs, cats, and chickens will eat snakes. I do not like snakes or mice, so I am not oblivious to the possibilities.

    I only have two hens right now, down from four. But, for the first time in months I have gotten an egg. Today, I got two eggs and came in and scrambled them. It was like heaven eating them.

    1. It makes sense that the chickens would eat anything that invaded their space! Those mice are just so darned fast!

      Congrats on your egg bounty! there really is nothing like gresh eggs!

  3. Eeewwww…mice…glad to know about that potential problem before we get our chickens 🙂 I wonder if that’s an employment opportunity for the neighborhood cats?

  4. Yeah…mice can be an issue! And when thinking about them attracting snakes…now that doesn’t sound like any fun 🙁 The first couple of years the mice weren’t bad, but last year their numbers seemed to explode. We’re trying to figure out a different feeder so maybe there won’t be some much spillage…

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