Everything Else

Cold Days & Long Nights – 2013 Plans

While the days are slowly getting longer, the suns rays gracing us for just a few short extra minutes each day, we are still… obviously…smack dab in the middle of winter and all of the cold she brings with her.  Nothing is growing outside except a few (mostly) dormant greens in our lone hoop house this season and I find myself longing for the dirt under my nails and the warmth of the sun on my back.  Our chickens, being given a break and left without extra lighting during these dark days and cold nights, are producing just a few eggs a week, but seem to be happy for it none-the-less.  There is the promise of warmer days, of course, but in the beginnings of January, those days seem so far away.

With school and the holidays behind me, I’ve begun to break out of my own winter shell and am beginning to daydream about this years garden.  To date, I have only gotten as far as inventorying the seeds we have in hand, which was no small feat…we currently have 99 different varieties of 39 different veggies and herbs (of course, there are many varieties of tomatoes and squash in those totals).  I am happy to report that I do believe we will only need to purchase very few packets of seeds in the coming months. Depending on where our plans take us, we also might purchase a few berry bushes to round out our perennials.

My hope this year is to be able to purchase all of my seeds locally and through small businesses. My first stop for veggies and herbs will be Plants of the Southwest.  I will then order my potatoes from Seed Savers Exchange, as I’ve done for the past couple of years, as well as any other seeds I cannot find locally.  My Plan C will involve Baker Creek Heirlooms.

Until then, though, I will do my best to stay present and gently distract my garden longings by using our generous stores from last season to feed our bodies and our spirits.  I have already started sowing greens and will soon start a few tomatoes under our grow lights.  I know it’s a bit early for tomatoes, but the early start served us quite well last year and I’m hopeful the luck will continue…each and every jar we have pulled from our pantry has been an absolute blessing!


Linking up to Harvest Monday @ Daphne’s Dandelions
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6 Comments on “Cold Days & Long Nights – 2013 Plans

  1. I am wrapping up my seed orders this week as well. Not buying very much as I have a good inventory of seeds from last year of varieties I like, but there are gaps and new items to fill. Just a few weeks and imbolc (ground hogs day) which is the half way point between winter solstice and spring equinox and the real turning point towards longer days – will be here.

  2. So, you’ve not actually perused the candy, um, seed catalogs yet? I would be afraid to actually catalog my seed collection, too many years worth of dirt under these nails and the seed box is proof of that…

    1. Oh man…the day after posting this I got my Seed Savers catalog which my daughter promptly opened and quickly began requesting flowers and veggies out of :-/ So, due to a 17 year olds requests, I may *have* to purchase a few additional items 😉

  3. I too have many seeds packets on hand so only needed to order a few items.
    Having springlike weather starting tomorrow, but I know it will not last.

    1. It feels great to only have a few things to purchase…it doesn’t mean that I won’t *want* to buy more, it just means it’s not necessary 😉

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