
~12,354 stitches


There’s something about a new baby that just lightens my heart and reminds me that everything is just as it should be despite any lingering questions, doubts or concerns that might try to distract me from the pure love that surrounds us all every minute of every day.

From within the energy of love and joy that a baby brings to my awareness and being, upon hearing the news that we will soon be graced by a brand new little being, I set out to create something that I believe every new baby should have…a handmade blanket of their very own.

There’s nothing quite like picking out the yarns and then sitting in the quiet meditation of stitching it all together.

I’ve been making blankets for babies ever since I can remember, and for the first time ever, I just completed my first set of blankets for a beautiful pair of twin girls.  Though early, both are perfectly healthy and got to go home immediately.  Mama Sara did an amazing job.

Though I am not sure when we will get to meet them (Missouri never felt far away until Tool Lady’s brothers started having babies), I trust they know how deeply they are loved and I hope their blankets will keep them warm.


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2 Comments on “~12,354 stitches

    1. Thank you! I was quite happy with the way they both turned out! I have been crocheting my whole life but, until recently, only knew a couple of stitches…my goal is to learn as many new stitches as possible! I just love all of the texture that can be created 🙂 And remember, it really is never too late to learn! Crocheting and knitting is gaining in popularity…I/m betting you could find an individual or a group who would be happy to help you learn! There’s also a ton of online resources available these days!

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