
Freezing Goats Milk

Our adventure with goat milking has been very fruitful so far and we’re honestly just trying to find ways to keep up with the production!  Who knew goats could produce so much milk?!  Well, now we do!  Cajeta, cheese and fudge are delicious and goat milk makes a nice addition to black tea, but there’s only so much goat milk one can take!  So, the next leg of our adventure is going to involve making soap!

Right now we’re trying to keep up with the milking by freezing what’s left of the last batch before we milk again (this keeps the fresh milk in the fridge for general consumption).  To freeze the older milk we’re pouring it into ice cube trays to freeze and then transferring the cubes into freezer bags until we’re ready to actually make soap.

Are there any tips or tricks we should know before we try our first batch of soap?  Any tried and true recipes you’d be willing to share?  Favorite scents or additions that are simple and/or foolproof?  Is there such a thing as foolproof when you’re trying something for the very first time???  I’d love to hear your thoughts, experiences and funny stories!
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4 Comments on “Freezing Goats Milk

  1. hold on a min! you have a goat? how did i miss that!!! or are you looking after someone elses? either way thats so cool! I’d go all out making cheese with all that milk, i loooove goats cheese and it keeps for ages 🙂 interested about the soap tho, haven’t heard of that before xx

    1. Ha! No, no goats in the yard for us…we ran out of room!!! 😉 We’re doing a goat’s milk share with a woman we found on craigslist! We milk her goat twice a week to give her time to do other things and we get to keep the milk! Pretty cool, ha? It’s given us experience, perspective and loads of milk! Win, win!!!

  2. The ice cubes are actually perfect for making soap. The milk soaps have to be watched carefully in the process of adding the lye so the milk doesn’t curdle–so freezing the milk in to ice cubes and slowly alternating lye and milk cubes is what people recommend, though I haven’t tried it yet.

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