
Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!

Well, I am happy to report that we finally harvested some beets! Three full pounds of them! These guys were planted in the late spring in one of my bio intensive beds (corn, bush beans and beets) as an experiment and did pretty well.  They were a little slow to grow, I think because the corn grew so fast this year and shaded them all pretty quickly, but it’s OK because they made a perfect addition to our Thanksgiving meal.  I’ve also learned that overwintered beets here tend to get a little woody, so we’ll stick with the spring sown beets…they were absolutely delicious!

Beyond that, it’s pretty boring around here on the harvest front. A few more tomatoes have ripened up in the garage, but I’m kinda over them at this point.  Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful, just a little bored.  Oh man…it might be a long winter 😉

On a bright note, we have finally balanced our urban farm budget for the year!  We’re in the black!!!  You can see our numbers and a link to the original post on my sidebar if you’re interested 🙂  I must tell you, I am very excited about this!  We have invested a lot in our little urban farm over the past couple of years and while we know it will take a bit to “pay back”, it really is great to see the actual numbers!  Cheers!

This weeks totals:
  • Beets = 3 lbs
  • Tomatoes = 1 lb 6 oz 
  • Eggs = 9 …Yeah, the Ladies are still molting!!!  I might need to have a little conversation with them soon!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Happy harvesting!
Linking up to Harvest Monday @ Daphne’s Dandelions

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14 Comments on “Harvest Monday

  1. I too am impressed by people who are disciplined and able to keep track of things. I keep promising myself “one of these days” but those days never materialize.
    Have you grown lutz beets? They do not get woody.

  2. Oh yay for a balanced budget – very impressive stuff. I started the year recording everything but since my bookkeeping has become somewhat erratic so I’m very impressed by the ability to keep track of things.

    1. Trust me, it gets very challenging throughout the summer to keep it all straight! I do enjoy seeing it all add up, though! 🙂

  3. I’m really impressed by gardeners who are so diligent about bookkeeping. I don’t have the discipline, and I’m not getting great harvests, so the numbers might be too depressing.

  4. I’m really impressed by gardeners who are so diligent about bookkeeping. I don’t have the discipline, and I’m not getting great harvests, so the numbers might be too depressing.

  5. I’m really impressed by gardeners who are so diligent about bookkeeping. I don’t have the discipline, and I’m not getting great harvests, so the numbers might be too depressing.

    1. Oh, it’s definitely hard to look at the numbers sometimes! However, once they were all amortized, it made it feel a lot better 🙂

  6. Yay, you’re on the plus side! I didn’t grow any beets this fall, I’m buying them at the farmer’s market. Your’s look great.

    My girls aren’t laying much either, they don’t like the short days and cold nights. They did great all year, I guess they’ve earned a break for the holidays.

    1. Yeah…we like to give the ladies a break in the winter (we don’t do lights or anything)…though I’d be happy with a few more eggs 😉

  7. Congratulations on the balanced budget! That takes dedication. Wonderful to have beets for Thanksgiving! Mine only do well in the early summer, so I’m jealous!

    1. Thank you! And yes, yummy beets are definitely a treat! I’ll take them fresh as often as possible, but it’s worth the wait for their sweet yumminess!

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