
Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!

I missed last weeks Harvest Monday because I was in Milwaukee visiting my very best friend in the world!  We were watching Sandy hammer the east coast, eating good (comfort) food, painting and enjoying the wonder that 20+ years of friendship brings 🙂

But I digress…I must catch up on harvesting and tallying…that’s what you’re here for, aren’t you?  😉

Before I left on my little trip we got out in the garden and cleaned up a couple of beds, pulling in a few pieces of spinach and chard and the last of the herbs from our little herb bed.  We also got into the big potato bed, which, much to our disappointment, gave us a very tiny yield…4 pounds 11 ounces.  We still have two other containers to harvest potatoes from, but man…I’m second guessing this whole potato growing endeavor!

On a brighter note, our tomatoes are ripening up nicely on our counter top.  Of course, some are rotting out, some are determined to stay green forever and some are still hard as rocks, but hey, we’ll take each tomato as it comes 🙂

I have noticed that the heirlooms ripen up nicely, but are quick to turn to mush if you don’t use them quickly.  So, into the pot they go with some garlic, basil, salt and bay leaves to simmer down and turn into quick sauce!
That’s about it!  I’m hoping for a few turnips, radishes and beets soon…maybe this coming week will be the week!

This weeks totals:

  • Basil = 1 oz
  • Chard = 7 oz
  • Oregano = 1 oz
  • Potatoes = 4 lb 11 oz
  • Sage = 1 oz
  • Spinach = 2 oz
  • Thyme = 1 oz
  • Tomatoes = 14 lb 7 oz 
  • Eggs = 36 …cooler temps + a few still molting chickens = not a whole lot of eggs…especially for a two week tally!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Happy harvesting!
Linking up to Harvest Monday @ Daphne’s Dandelions

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12 Comments on “Harvest Monday

  1. I find that I don’t get very good yield from summer grown potatoes – I get much better results growing them in Spring. I think it just gets a bit too hot for many of the varieties here in summer.

  2. I’d say that 4 lbs of potatoes and 14 lbs of tomatoes is nothing to sneeze at, especially in November for the tomatoes. I grow potatoes in grow bags and although the marketing literature claims 50 lb harvests, I’ve never harvested more than 3 lbs per grow pot. But I get 2-3 harvests per year. Not too bad.

    1. Not too bad at all 🙂 We’re thinking about just growing potatoes in containers next year and seeing how it goes. I do love homegrown potatoes but with our limited space we’ll either have to find a method that really works or move on :-/

  3. Your tomatoes look fantastic even if you have to have some that don’t make it. Glad you got to spend time with your friend. I bet you got your batteries charged during your visit. I know that spending time with friends rarely seen can lead to long nights and bright days for me. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Barbie… all accounts! I am continually grateful for tomatoes and my good friend! 😉 It’s the little things, right?

  4. How wonderful to spend time with best friends of 20+ years. Your tomatoes are so colorful and are ripening up nicely. I will have to wait for next year to taste heirloom tomatoes again.

    1. Ugh…we’re nearing the end of the heirloom taste and I am not looking forward to it! To next year…Cheers!

  5. Chard and tomatoes, yum! You can’t complaing about that! Glad you were able to have a nice visit with such a long-time friend! Friends and comfort food: you can’t beat that combination!

  6. Looks like you had an amazing trip and visit. I love seeing good friends and spending time with them. My best friend is coming for a short visit later this week and I am thrilled about getting to see her.

    The chard looks healthy and yummy and good work on ripening the tomatoes off the vine.

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