
Winter Tomatoes, continued

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned my hope/goal of growing some winter tomatoes throughout the cold months.  Well, here’s the progress so far…

On August 13th I took 3 cuttings from each cherry tomato (a bi-color cherry and a small sweet cherry), trimmed them of their bottom leaves and placed them in a 5 gallon bucket about 1/2 full with water until I saw roots beginning to form.

On September 3rd, I transplanted 2 of each tomato (only four of the six put out roots) into two large pots.  I staked them, watered them and put them on the back porch to establish themselves for a bit while the weather is still warm.

So far they seem to be doing well.  Some of the leaves have died back, so they’re looking pretty long and lanky, but their tops look healthy and are beginning to put out some new growth, so there is hope in that 🙂

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6 Comments on “Winter Tomatoes, continued

  1. wow thats great, year round growing is the dream! i hope they keep doing so well for you x

    1. Yeah…I’m hopeful that we can grow a few things this winter that go beyond the color green 😉 We’ll see!

  2. Great project so far, I hope it comes out. How awesome if you could squeeze some more growing time out of the season! Like Astra said, the dream of year round growing.

    1. I’ll just be happy to have a few fresh tomatoes to put on a salad in November or December 😉 Fingers crossed!!!

  3. Great experiment (but then again, I would think so)! The lankiness in season extension plantings tend to be from low temps as much as from lack of sun. Is it already cold there?

    1. The temps are just starting to dip, but nothing too drastic. The stems I took originally were a bit long…maybe too long. I’m hoping they’ll fill out a bit, but am thinking they’ll have to get longer before they get thicker…

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