
Mystery Melon

Last year, as part of our CSA share, we received a delicious Mystery Melon.  First, it looked like a Cantaloupe on the outside, but the flesh inside was green.  Second, the taste fell somewhere between Honey Dew and Cantaloupe.  Very interesting and incredibly delicious.

So I saved some seeds.

Fast forward to this June.  In one of my front yard beds there was a tiny spot where some of my bush beans didn’t propagate, so I stuck a few of my Mystery Melon seeds in there and and forgot about them.

Well, they germinated and grew happily (though never into the sun, always away from it) and, remarkably, we have a few actual melons on the vines!  While a couple of the melons look healthy and happy, this guy did not.  We left him alone, pretty much out of laziness, until he fell off the vine yesterday.

Thinking that whatever would be inside would be just as ugly (maybe rotting out?), we cut him open just to see and, magically, the flesh was (almost) perfect!

Not only did it look good, but it tasted amazing!  Who knew?  Our very first, super sweet and very juicy  melon!  WooHoo!
You really can’t judge a book by it’s cover, can you?
Now, anyone have any ideas as to what this beauty might actually be called?  I’d love to hear your ideas because, while Mystery Melon sounds fun, it’s not incredibly official 😉  Cheers!
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12 Comments on “Mystery Melon

  1. Oh congratulations – I have tried melons the last few years but have never successfullly grown one- perhaps this will be the year…

    1. Thanks, Liz! I’ve never been successful with watermelons, but these guys were happy to oblige my experimentations 😉

  2. It might possibly be a canary melon. I’m growing some from a melon I bought last year also!

    1. Canary melon? Huh! I’ll check it out! Whatever it is, it’s delicious! I am hopeful the other 3 still on the vines will make it before it gets too cold!

  3. You have to be happy you cut it open! I’ve yet to grow melons, but this makes me want to try.

    1. Ha! I recommend trying! We just ignored these, so in my (little) experience it doesn’t take much effort! The vines didn’t grow very long either (by melon standards) and tended to want to grow out of the sun, so maybe that’s a trick, too?

  4. Oh I love melons! That one looks so cool but I have no idea what it could be. Could you ask the CSA people?
    I had rotten luck with melons this year due to the weather. sigh… there’s always next year 😉

    1. Yes, there’s always next year! These did fine and I think it’s because we ignored them the whole summer 😉 Maybe that’s the trick!

  5. I love “mystery” plants! That looks like it could possibly be a Ha’Ogen without the distinctive stripes on the skin, but perhaps they faded out since the melon is so ripe? I successfully grew some of those in a wine barrel out back a couple years ago and they were incredibly delish – very sweet/spicy. Hopefully my plan for re-strategizing our garden this coming year will be successful and I’ll get them to grow again 🙂

    1. Thanks for chiming in! This melon doesn’t have a spice to it, but the Ha’Ogen sounds delicious! Funny thing is, the melon never got its cantaloupe-y rind, so we thought it was just bad! Glad we cut it open…you never know, do you?

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