
Mystery Squash

I think my heart has broken.  OK, that might be a bit dramatic, but it’s almost true.

Here’s the deal…I thought I planted several Butternut Squash seeds this spring, but now I am positive that I didn’t.  The plantings would have given us a delicious and bountiful harvest this fall and the heartbreak comes because they are my absolute favorite squash.  Ever.

Walking through the garden about a month ago, I started finding fruits in my “butternut” patch.  These sightings should have been exciting.  The problem is, they weren’t the beautiful bell shapes I was anticipating.  Instead, they were simply round.  Little round balls.

To the best of guessing abilities one of two things happened:

  1. I mislabeled the some of the seeds I saved last year
  2. Our Butternuts crossed with another squash last year and the seeds I saved were compromised
Fast forward a month and the squash have all run, which was hopeful…But a few of them have matured…and now I think they’re actually pumpkins!

If they are pumpkins, it won’t be a total loss and might actually be exciting.  My greatest hope at this point is that they will actually be edible.  If they are not, it will be an awful waste of our tiny space.

Regardless, I think I will be forced to purchase some Butternuts in the fall.

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6 Comments on “Mystery Squash

  1. I did the same thing. LOL Only with Acorn squash. I don’t have any squash to speak of since all the squash bugs ate up every last vine.

    1. Well, I guess those squash seeds are easy to mix up! LOL!

      Sorry about all the squash bugs! We have yet to encounter those buggers…I’m sure we will at some point, though! 🙁

  2. I’m laughing here, but not at your heartbreak. I’m laughing because I thought I planted pumpkins and I planted Butternut Squash! Some of my seedlings were mislabeled after I moved them up from the basement and instead of little round orbs, I have butternut squash EVERYWHERE!

    1. Are you kidding me!? How ridiculous are we??? Too bad we don’t live closer…we could just trade!!!

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