
Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!

August is rushing by in a bit of a blur.  Have you ever heard the saying that goes something like, “life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans”?  Yeah…that’s the kind of the month I’ve had so far and there seems to be no end in sight!

The good news is, there’s lots of happy things happening…like all the wonderful produce coming in from the garden!  The highlights this week include: Our very first, and one and only spaghetti squash, the first Italian Heirloom Tomatoes (I thought I had one earlier in the season, but now I don’t think I was right…), the first cukes (both lemon and another, mystery cuke…I planted two varieties and am unsure which vine this cuke came from…it’s still like a jungle in our back yard), the last of the rhubarb, all that was left of our bunching onions (we chopped and froze them all), all of our sweet corn, and our biggest yet harvest of honey (I’ll write more about this later this week)!

So, yes…things are moving right along and we are all feeling quite grateful these days.

This weeks totals:
  • Apples = 1 lb
  • Basil = 4 oz
  • Beets = 14 oz
  • Bunching Onions = 3 lb 9 oz
  • Bush Beans = 6 oz
  • Carrots = 3 oz 
  • Corn (Sweet) = 18 lb 3 oz
  • Cucumbers 
    • Lemon = 1 lb 10 oz
    • Mystery = 11 oz  
  • Honey = not weighed yet
  • Oregano = 2 oz
  • Peppers (Happy Hot) = 4 oz
  • Pole Beans = 2 oz 
  • Rhubarb = 2 lb 6 oz
  • Tomatoes =  13 lb 3 oz
  • Spaghetti Squash = 2 lb 13 oz
  • Eggs = 73

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Happy harvesting!
Linking up to Harvest Monday @ Daphne’s Dandelions
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34 Comments on “Harvest Monday

  1. Some beautiful vegetables. We have a couple of hives in the woods in back, put there by my wife’s friend who wanted to be a beekeeper but lives on a small lot in the exurbs. He said that by July this year he thought there was already 35 pounds of honey in one of the hives (last year he harvested about 5 pounds from a single hive). So it’s a good year for the bees around here.

    He gave us a jar of his blended honey last year, sort of as rent, plus a small jar made from our hive. The Bolton honey from our backyard was clearly superior and he thought so too. I don’t know what the bees in the pine forest out back live on, but they clearly make do with what they find.

    1. Oh man! How wonderful to have the space to have “a couple of hives in the woods in back”! What a gift! Bees really are amazing! I often wonder where they are collecting all their pollen from…I’d love to be able to track their paths!

  2. everything looks wonderful! jealous of that honey; I had to give up my bees after developing an allergy to the stings ;=( wow, what do you do with all those eggs? Thanks for posting that spaghetti squash; you have solved a mystery!

    1. Oh no…well, I’m allergic to bees (which I didn’t know until I got stung by my own) but haven’y given them up…I’m just super careful (and have prescriptions just in case I do get stung again)! Glad to have helped to solve a mystery!

  3. I could have used some honey this week! 😉 Looks like your garden is doing well! Lots of variety and color!

  4. I love the close up on the corn and the honey, too. Great harvest.

    1. Thanks! I love weeks like last week…they make me feel like I’m actually accomplishing something in the garden 😉

  5. Yes, I couldn’t believe that I was writing a post for the 20th already! You pulled in some great harvests this week, it all looks lovely.

    1. Time really is just flying by! I’m looking forward to the fall, but I’d like to enjoy the falling of summer a bit as well 😉

  6. Beautiful harvest, I too love the close up photo of the corn. Looks like you harvested quite a bit of honey. 73 eggs in one week, that’s a lot of eggs.

    1. It was a great week, no doubt! 73 IS a lot of eggs! Luckily we’ve been able to sell a few dozen 😉

  7. what a wonderful harvest this week for you! love that close up of honey and corn.

  8. Are you bunching onions like a scallion or do they get big and are a keeper? I have some coming for next year that are suppose to be the best storage onion.

    1. They’re like a scallion…though I’ll be interested to see the ones you’re talking about! I’m looking for a new storage onion to plant…

  9. Wow that corn close up is beautiful! The honey is awesome too. 😀

    I know exactly what you mean about the month running away from you. This past week was a bit saner for me but the end of July and first portion of August was just wicked crazy for me and I flet like I was running on a treadmill getting not much of anywhere.

    1. I do hope things level out a bit…I could use a stretch of time where things aren’t just busy all the time! 🙂

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