
Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!

As the veggies are really starting to roll in, I keep finding myself thinking about how amazing it is to actually be able to grow our own food!  Despite the sunburns and torn up hands, the long waiting periods and ridiculous weeds, every single harvest is a gift.  Even if I only pull a single tomato out of the garden in a day, it’s still our tomato.  That, my friends, is magic.

I hope to never lose my sense of wonder in the garden.  

I hope you don’t either.  
This weeks totals:
  • Beet Greens = 7 oz
  • Bush Beans = 13 oz 
  • Chamomile = not weighed
  • Happy Hot Peppers = 3 oz
  • Jalapenos = 1 oz
  • Lemon Balm = 3 oz
  • Mint = 6 oz
  • Pole Beans (Trail of Tears) = 4 oz
  • Rhubarb =  2 lb 6 oz
  • Shishito Peppers = 3 oz
  • Summer Squash = 1 lb 9 oz 
  • Tomatoes = 3 lb 4 oz
  • Eggs = 53

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Happy harvesting!
Linking up to Harvest Monday @ Daphne’s Dandelions
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36 Comments on “Harvest Monday

  1. Love the sentiment in the post and the photos look great. I agree, every time a cook up something from the garden I ask my husband if he can taste the love that went into it.

    1. Oh yes, the love and intention that goes into home grown and home cooked meals is absolutely priceless!!!

  2. It is magic and I think that having the ability to be able provide some of the basics of survival satisfies me in a way I can’t explain. A basic human function of some sort I guess. If only I could build houses as well…

    1. Ha! Yes, building a home would be nice, too 🙂 Maybe just a simple log cabin? But then, when I really think a out it, there really is nothing simple about building a log cabin! All the carving and lifting and setting and filling in of holes…hmmm…


  3. You are SOOOO right-on: gardening IS magic – beautiful magic. It’s therapeutic and healthy. Everyone should have the opportunity to grow something.

    1. Yes, I absolutely agree! Even if everyone just grew a single fruit or veggie I think the world would be transformed 🙂

  4. Alas, my poor garden is dying despite all the watering. The sun is unrelenting and we are 9 inches down for rain. Yours looks to be doing great, though.

    Bee Girl: I wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated your blog for the One Lovely Blog and the Very Inspiring Blogger Awards! You can see my post about it over at http://crankypuppy.blogspot.com/2012/07/blog-awards.html. I hope you’ll accept!

    1. Ugh…yes, the drought is ridiculous this year. Our rains keep taunting us but we’ve had very few soaking rains 🙁 Our drip system is keeping everything alive, though our water bill is through the roof!

      Thanks again for the awards! I’m working on my post 🙂

  5. Thank you for reminding me about the magic. I have been thinking about other aspects lately and might have missed this if you hadn’t reminded me.

    1. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the difficulty of it all, sometimes we all just need a quick reminder 🙂 Hope you’re enjoying a wonderful start to your week!

  6. I’ve got a lot of gardening years imbedded under my nails and I can honestly say that the garden just gets more magical the more time that I spend out there. The rewards far outweigh the frustrations, and there have been some huge frustrations, but there is really nothing like eating something that you’ve nurtured from a seed or seedling.

    1. Gods gift, Congrats for your successful harvest. Harvest is not easy to do and get positive reply. We play with those who insect, animals and rain to protect our plants. when i see your photo, you did good job. Keep it up. Why some beans are brown colors?

    2. Thank you! yes, all the effort is definitely worth it in the end! The beans we are growing this year include a Bush Bean Trio (Blue Lake 274, Cherokee Wax & Purple Queen bush beans), which are the yellow, green and purple beans and Trail of Tear Pole Beans, which are the green beans with the brownish/purple stripe down it’s belly 🙂

    3. Michelle…I love the visual of having “gardening years embedded under (your) nails”! There really is nothing like the process of gardening and all the rewards it has to offer! Cheers to a lifetime in the garden! 🙂

  7. Lovely harvest! And all those eggs – marvelous!

  8. I love walking in the veggie plot first thing in the morning(maybe not when its a heavy frost) with a cup of tea listening to the birds and still get a thrill seeing the new growth emerge from the soil………
    Yep it sure is magic !!!
    Wonderful harvest this week, those yellow tomatoes look great and must make such a colorful salad.

    1. My morning stroll through the garden is my absolute favorite time of the day. It’s become my meditation 🙂

      I do love our yellow tomatoes…you’re right-they’re tasty AND they are a welcome color addition to most meals1

  9. Thanks for the reminder about the magic of gardening! I had a frustrating gardening day.. not having pleasant feelings about squirrels. I really needed the reminder that even one tomato is magical.

  10. That is why we garden. There is something special to be able to say I grew this my self. Besides home grown tastes so much better!!

    1. Oh, the taste of homegrown anything is just undeniable! I wish everyone could realize the difference! Never would we have complaints about front yard veggie patches again! 😉

  11. Nice harvest with lots of tomatoes. It will be a few weeks before I start getting any quantity of them, but as you say, even a few cherry tomatoes now are a gift.

    1. Yes, definitely a gift! Enjoy those cherry tomatoes while you can! I always miss them so once they’re done for the season!

  12. What do you do with 53 eggs in one week? Love those tomatoes and beans, I too am always amazed at what garden produces.

    1. HA! Well, we try to sell them…that’s what we do with 53 eggs in a single week! Hopefully our friends and family will keep up their excitement about our little flock 😉

  13. everything looks so good. Your beans are looking great, I am a bit jealous, I don’t know what is going on with mine. Maybe they just can’t take the heat. Hopefully they will recover and do better soon. You have a nice variety!

    1. I have been very happy with the bean varieties we’ve been growing over the past couple of years. They do really well here and taste pretty good, too 🙂 I do hope your beans recover for you!!!

  14. What a lovely harvest. Yes, I keep telling myself that the $175 water bills will be worth it in the end…. And of course I know it will, with a great deal of yummy food to eat. With the squash coming on now, it will really jump up in poundage!

    1. I sure do know what you mean…especially with the water bill going through the roof! I am hopeful that we’ll beat last years poundage…but right now it seems so far away. Fingers are crossed though! Sometimes it’s hard for me to gauge exactly what’s still growing…it all juts looks like a jungle at this point!

  15. Harvests really are magic, aren’t they. Even if it is just a sprig of rosemary or some lettuce leaves, a meal with some of your own harvest is always that bit more special. Enjoy the fruits (and veg) of your hard work!

  16. It really is indeed magic. I think the meals we prepare that are largely made from the harvests of our garden (and or our hens) taste even better than normal because of the comfort that comes from knowing it came from our backyard garden.

    Your harvests are beautiful this week, but those yellow tomatoes are particularly appealing. Are they great tasting?

    1. Yes! “Comfort” is the perfect word for homegrown meals!

      I love our Yellow Taxi tomatoes! They taste yummy, are the first to produce AND they produce well! Let me know if you would like some seed for next year…I saved a ton last year and am saving more this year 🙂

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