While photographing our first echinacea, a caught a glimpse of the tiniest little legs ever…
As I moved from left to right, squatted and stood up, played with macro and good ol’ zoom, this little lady slowly moved from the top of her petal to the bottom of her petal in a continued attempt to escape my gaze…
Needless to say, it became apparent that I was just going to keep snapping pictures until I got the perfect shot…though I’m not sure that happened before I decided to stop harassing my new friend…
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I love this post. So sweet. Thanks for appreciating our 8 legged friends.
Of course! There’s room for everyone in the garden! Well…most everyone 😉
Ah a shy subject – I really enjoyed the final shot. Its reminds me of my son hiding behind my legs when he’s introduced to someone new.
Ha! Yes! I love how children play shy and hide behind the safety of moms legs 🙂
Great pix.
what kind is that?! Gorgeous little friend. I’m sure he didn’t mind the photo shoot. 🙂
I wish I knew…I’ve done a google search and have found nothing but more pretty pics of white spiders. I will have to investigate further but it looks very similar to a yellow one I found on some beets that were going to seed about a month ago!