What a difference a week makes, ha? It amazes me how quickly fruit grows when left to its own devices!
Last weekend, after harvesting small amounts of apricots for over a week, I finally had enough to make my very first apricot jam! While I was at it, I made a few jars of Honey Apricots as well (both recipes were from this wonderful book). While the jam didn’t thicken as much as I would have liked, it is absolutely delicious…and there are still a few more apricots coming in, so I just might give it another shot.
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Good stuff! I was just looking for ideas on what to do with my apricots. Apricot jam it is! Thank you
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Yum, apricot jam! I think apricots are quite low in pectin, which might explain the lack of thickening. I love plum jam, but as my plum tree is still very young I’ll have to wait a while longer. For now I mostly preserve figs and make chutneys out of tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchinis.
The low pectic content makes sense. Plum jam sounds divine…but then, so do figs! I wish i had more room…I’d be growing a little of it all!
Congrats on your first batch of apricot jam, i like it a little runny too. My favorite fruit I pick for jam making is Mullberries, they have such a rich flavor if you don’t have many you can cook them up with a few plums and make a lovely jam.
I have 2 small jars left in my cupboard for a special breakfast treat.
Also nice to stir a spoon of it in the morning porridge. YUM.
Mulberries, ah? I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a mulberry! I may have to do some investigating now 🙂
I think the best apricot jam is a bit runny at least that’s how my mum always makes it.
Thanks, Liz. I like it runny, too, so it’s perfect for me 😉
APRICOTS??? APRICOTS?? Oh how I LOVE apricots! I haven’t found a tree that will do well down here, at least not that I’ve read about. But I’m going to have to look again. Just lovely jars, nice job!!
Oh…definitely keep looking! They are so worth it!
Yum! I love apriocts.
We were gifted some delicious peach and strawberry rhubarb jam earlier this month. I don’t think it will last long!
Oh yes…homemade jam is the best! It’s something I’ve only experienced recently (yes, I grew up eating store bought everything) and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to live without it again!