
Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!

This week brought a mixture of harvests, including the first jalapeno and the first Happy Hot Peppers!  Dave, I’m hoping you might have some insight/shared curiosity about why ours went straight from green to red instead of the pretty orange you’ve gotten in the past.  Very interesting…I guess we’ll wait and see what happens with the other three experimental Happy Hot & Happy Sweet plants I have in the back yard 😉

The little guy is the jalapeno, the two reds are the Happy Hot Peppers.

We also saw many more tomatoes (16 in total), including the first (very small) Italian Heirlooms and several more Yellow Taxis!  We also harvested the last two heads of broccoli (although one was past its prime, so it’s not included in in my tally) and a few bunching onions which went into a delicious omelette.

The biggest harvests of the week, though, were our thinned apples and a good bunch of apricots, some of which were thinned and some of which were actually ready for the picking 🙂  The apricots that were thinned are attempting to ripen up in a paper bag in the pantry.  I’m hoping they’ll be ready in the next few days.

The garden is officially in full swing and is beginning to look a bit like a jungle.  It’s all I can do to keep up with keeping everything from falling out of the beds…there are tomato vines that are reaching for other counties and tomatillos that aspire to be trees…squash that would like to be seen from space and potatoes that are already flowering!  Bugs?  Oh yes…they are everywhere and a big fat pain in the ass…but on the bright side, it means our garden is living and healthy, right?  And weeding?  Oy…well, that’s one chore I’m not sure I’ll ever catch up with!

Luckily, the chickens are super easy to maintain and are producing really well for us these days!  Broody has been back in the coop with the other ladies for a little while now and is no longer broody.  Thank goodness!  It seems as though everyone has fallen back into their normal happy patterns.  There have even been a few days this week that we have actually gotten 6 eggs from 7 laying hens!  And our rooster…well, he’s still being quiet and hasn’t begun attacking us or the Ladies, so he’s staying for now 😉

This weeks totals:
  • Apples = 4 lbs 6 oz
  • Apricots = 1 lb 7 oz
  • Basil = 2 oz
  • Beet Greens = 4 oz
  • Broccoli = 8 oz
  • Bunching Onions = 3 oz
  • Chamomile = not weighed
  • Jalapenos = 1 oz
  • Mint = 2 oz
  • Oregano = 2 oz
  • Peppers (Happy Hot) = 2 oz
  • Tomatoes = 2 lbs 14 oz
  • Eggs = 32 eggs
Hope everyone has a phenomenal day!
Happy harvesting!
Linking up to Harvest Monday @ Daphne’s Dandelions
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25 Comments on “Harvest Monday

  1. Interesting about the red Happy Yummys. I’m guessing that pepper reverted to some earlier parent, which might have been an Anaheim type pepper. How hot was it? The original Hot Happy Yummy was pretty hot – more like jalapeno hot. I don’t have any ripe peppers yet, just green ones.

    Love those apricots and tomatoes!

  2. I love the colour of your yellow taxi tomatoes – really vivid. Super impressed with your fruit as well – must be lovely having apricots and apples.

  3. Whoa, what a harvest. I can only hope for apples like that one day soon and if only I could squeeze an apricot tree in somewhere. Hope the apricots ripen for you, if they don’t I wonder if you could cook them somehow (with lots of sugar perhaps?). Glad to hear Broody is behaviing herself and the rooster is ‘laying’ low for now.

    1. Thanks Barbara! I haven’t begun googling unripe apricot recipes yet, but they definitely won’t go to waste 🙂

  4. Nice mixture indeed. I would love to bite into one of those apples – the ready ones.

    1. Even with their tininess, the apples weren’t as tart as I thought they’d be! The jam, though, is divine!

  5. That’s a pretty darn good harvest this week. Our jalapenos haven’t even set fruit yet, so we had to buy some to make salsa with all the tomatoes we’re getting. Of course, who wants to cook or heat up the house when it’s 102 outside? Hope it’s cooler where you are.

    1. Ha! It’s a little bit cooler here, but not by much…and guess what i did all day Sunday…can! Yep…I think I went may have gotten heat stroke 😉

  6. Great harvest!! I’m Jealous of those tomatoes. We are still a while out with ours. Good to hear everything is growing so well!!

    1. Thanks! The tomatoes have been an early treat! I will definitely start them early again next year!

  7. Nice harvest. The fruit is beautiful. I was happy to see a photo of an Italian Heirloom tomato which I have been considering planting. You are at a good time in the garden with everything flourishing. Makes up for the bugs and weeds.

    1. Ha! Yes, the harvests do make up for the bugs and weeds 😉 I love Italian heirlooms…I definitely recommend trying them out!

  8. Absolutely gorgeous fruit and tomatoes! I’m trully jealous (in a good way) of your harvest 🙂

  9. What an awesome harvest! What kind of scale do you use to weigh your harvest? All I have is my kitchen scale. I was debating on getting one of the spring scales, hang i near the kitchen door and then I could just hang a bag off of it when I bring stuff in from the garden

    1. I just use a regular kitchen scale. I have one of those spring scales (a really old one) but most of my harvests are pretty small so using it at this point doesn’t really make much sense 😉

  10. Lovely harvest week for you. The fruit thinnings is a welcome bonus and I bet the remainder on the tree is doing great too – especially now they have more room.

  11. What a great and varied harvest you have this week. love those big yellow tomatoes; might have to try some of those next year.

    1. I absolutely love my Yellow Taxis…and I save the seeds, so let me know if you’re really interested and I’ll send you some 🙂

  12. Reading the paragraph below the apricot photo put a hugh grin on my face, you are so funny.
    Hope your apricots ripen for you. How nice that you are able to use your thinned apples.

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