
Herb Garden

After all the hoping and planning and sowing, I finally have my herb garden!!!  Yes, I am very excited 🙂

We decided that we realistically don’t have the space for a proper spiral herb garden now that we have all of raised beds in the backyard (although I would still like to have a spiral someday).  So instead, we utilized a portion of those raised beds by splitting a square section (approximately 30 inches X 30 inches) it into eight triangular sections.  I then planted out all of the little starts I’ve been hardening off.

We have (top left to right): dill, thyme, sage and cota tea (direct sown) and (bottom left to right) dark purple opal and genovese basil, lettuce leaf basil, lemon balm and oregano.  I can hardly wait for them all to fill in!!!

I labelled them all with permanent marker on a few of the rocks we have in our yard.  Hey, at least a few of those rocks are good for something, right?  😉

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17 Comments on “Herb Garden

  1. oh nice! i really like the design of it.

  2. Beautiful design! Don’t fresh herbs from the garden make all the difference in the world to whatever you are cooking?

    1. Absolutely! I can’t wait to just run out and grab a few herbs for random recipes!

  3. This will be awesome! I think herb gardens are the most valuable thing you can grow…….just b/c herbs (spices) are so darn expensive.

    1. Absolutely! They’re ridiculously expensive! Plus, they’re SO much better when they’re super fresh 🙂

  4. that looks brilliant, i love the pretty layout and rocks too 🙂 your raised beds are so brilliant!

  5. I LOVE that design. You know I would have just built a raised bed and planted them around in different spots. That’s going to give you a design and keep the herbs more orderly. Awesome. I posted something on our blog last year about using a wagon wheel and since I will probably never find one of those, ha, I love this design. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I LOVE the old wagon wheel design, too 🙂 Someday, when we have more space, I’ll get to choose how to organize my herbs, but for now, I’m super excited about this design!

  6. Very nice – may you have many handfuls of herbs from your herb garden 🙂

  7. Awesome! I’ve been thinking about a spiral herb garden as well (but also realize it’s not happening this year). This is a great NOW solution. It looks great.

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