
Going to Seed

As the days continue to get longer and (abnormally) warmer, our over-wintered veggies have been bolting quite quickly this spring.

In the interest of saving as many seeds as possible, I’ve left a few plants in the beds to continue their cycle and have been enjoying the show they put on!  I love all their itty bitty buds and flowers and can’t help but think about all of the promises of future harvests that are contained within these tiny, still-forming seeds!






For now we wait, enjoy the show and sow different seeds in anticipation of the coming season!
Are you saving seeds this year?  I’d love to hear about what’s blooming, budding and promising future harvests in your garden right now!

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6 Comments on “Going to Seed

  1. I am starting to save all my seed this year. I did a trial with some sunflowers last year and they worked well. I pinned this on my Pinterest!

    1. Thanks, Jen! Once you start saving seeds you’ll never go back! I
      m still learning how with a lot of different veggies and it’s so much fun! It’s kind of an addiction 😉

  2. I haven’t yet got around to actually saving seeds (I know I should, but!). However I do let plants go to seed and drop seeds here and there, and have been rewarded with some perfectly lovely volunteers. I was very pleased a couple years ago to find that the salad I planted the previous year had given me several volunteers that looked every bit as lovely as anything I’ve seen at the farmers’ market, and now I’m looking forward to some early tomatoes from some volunteer Azoychka plants that have been growing beautifully all winter (!), and are now flowering while waiting for my new little starts I just put in last weekend to grow up 🙂

    1. Volunteers are the best!!! Especially those that grow all winter 🙂 Man, I wish we could over-winter tomatoes!!!

  3. I’ve been trying to let a few more things go to seed and hopefully seed in. I have lettuces in flower at the moment, as well as rocket. As its autumn here most have either finishing bolting or are waiting until Spring though. I’ve never let a radish go to seed – I must give that a try.

    1. What is rocket? The radish wasn’t intentional…it just kind of happened when I forgot to pull it and it got lost behind the turnip 😉 I love happy accidents!

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