
Almost a Strawberry!

Oh man…I’m counting down the days until these beauties will be ready!  Our little strawberry patch is so happy this year…I’m hoping for a great harvest 🙂

What’s your favorite thing to make with fresh strawberries?

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19 Comments on “Almost a Strawberry!

  1. I love them straight from the fridge. But, if we’re talking cooking, I LOVE strawberry jam. That is my favorite thing to do with strawberries. Period.

    1. Yes! Strawberry jam is the best! Do either of you have a favorite recipe? We’ve made strawberry jam once before and it was delicious, but it was just a super basic recipe 🙂

    2. Super basic here, too – strawberries cooked with a little sugar until thickened, with some lemon or orange zest and juice 🙂

  2. Make sure you toss over some bird netting on those plants fast!! Before they turn red and the birds and animals decide to eat them while you are at work!! Protect the fruit!

    1. Thanks for the reminder about the bird netting! A few of our cherries have already been lost to the birds…I could not stand it if we lost strawberries, too!!!

  3. Yay! We have about 16 strawberries growing that’s more than last year. I usually freeze strawberries, cherries and peaches so later in the fall/ winter I can use them for pies, smoothies and fruit sauces. I think this year if we go strawberry picking I’m going to freeze the strawberries and maybe make jam later saw this in soulemama’s “Creative Family”. Enjoy your strawberries!

    1. Yes! Saving some for later will definitely be in order! It just seems so magical to have berries (and all fruit, really) from our own yard tucked away for later eating 🙂 I’ll check out soulemama’s recipe! Thanks for the tip!

  4. We just planted our plants last year and are getting strawberries here and there. It’s not enough to do anything with, so they usually don’t make it back to the kitchen. 🙂 And they’re sending runners all over the place, so I’m just letting them go so that the bed gets established.

    FYI, I’ve got a post up over at Cranky Puppy about the different options for freezing berries and how long they last with each. Better to tuck some away so that you can enjoy them all year!

    1. It sounds like you are where we were a year ago with our mini strawberry bed! It’s really exploded this year and I am super excited to get more than a berry or two out of the bed 🙂

      Thanks for directing me to post about freezing…I’s super behind on my blog reading 🙁 I’m popping over now! 🙂

  5. I love to eat them straight, especially from the garden. BTW, they are looking good!

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  7. Sliced, tossed with a bit of sugar to allow them to macerate, slightly smashed up, then spooned over a broken up biscuit and topped with a dollop of fresh whipped cream. Sigh…heaven….

  8. Strawberry Fool – packed with cholesterol, and waist increasing properties, but completely to die for 🙂

    Btw, I just found out recently, if your strawberry plants start sending out shoots (runners), remove them. Otherwise the plant goes into reproduction mode and stops producing fruit.

    1. Ooh…Strawberry Fool, ha? I’ll have to give that a try 🙂

      Thanks for the tip on the runners! I just noticed a few and will have to take care of them so we can get as much fruit as possible!

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