Everything Else

Photo Project – Five Senses

Smell: The crisp spring air, the blossoming of flowers, the warm earth longing for seeds to be sown…

Taste: Crunchy baby carrots and just picked greens…

Feel: The sweet softness of newly buzzed hair…and the makings of a mohawk…

Hear: The sweet morning coo’s of happy chickens…

See: The absolute trust of a new puppy in a loved one’s lap

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8 Comments on “Photo Project – Five Senses

  1. Lovely photos Bee Girl – and you know what they all add up to? A very happy and contented Bee Girl and fam. Happy Sunday to you and yours : )

  2. loved those pictures! who was it that got the mohawk? is that your daughter?

    Thanks so much for the link for the bee hive, it downloading now – very excited! I’ll keep you posted on my bee journey 🙂

    1. Astra, yep…that’s my daughter 🙂 She is quite awesome!

      Your welcome for the hive plans! Ours has worked out great! The one thing we (um…Tool Lady) changed was to put on a flat roof…it was less complicated that way. With the flat roof, we simply sunk the legs into the ground a bit deeper on one side so any water would run off the top and not remain stagnant 🙂 I hope they work out for you! I can’t wait to see your bees!

  3. Awesome!

    What kind of puppy?

    Great photos!

    1. He’s a Pug and he belongs to one of my friends. He comes to work with her most days and is just the sweetest little dog! Love him!

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