
Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!

We had another beautiful week, but it ended in a bit of snow and freezing temperatures.  So far everything looks OK but it’s supposed to freeze again tonight, so we’ll see.  I’m still worried about our fruit, but there’s really nothing for it but to keep my fingers crossed.

Anyhow, yesterday, after a day full of more homework than I was happy about, I spent about 2 hours in the backyard up-potting a lot of our little seedlings (tomatoes, peppers, herbs, tomatillos…).  I think I’ve gone a bit overboard with all the seed starting I’ve done under our grow lights, but I’m so excited to see how it all does once it’s warm enough to actually put in the ground!

What you can’t see in the above photo are the four tomatoes that are sitting on the washing machine (on the far right of the pic).  They have gotten so big, they no longer fit under the lights even with the lights pulled up as high as they will go.  And, they’re already flowering!  Crazy.  I’ve put them in the biggest pots I could and am hopeful their growth won’t get stunted while we wait for May to come around.  The plan is to put them outside each day that the temps are warm enough and then bring them back in at night…just like the planter chair.

Anyhow, believe it or not, I didn’t get any pictures of our harvests this week.  Nothing too exciting…just some more greens…but they sure were yummy!
This weeks totals:
  • Chard = 6 ounces
  • Spinach = 1 ounces
  • Kale =  6 ounces
  • Eggs = 36
Happy harvesting!
Linking up to Harvest Monday @ Daphne’s Dandelions
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24 Comments on “Harvest Monday

  1. Lovely healthy plants, do you give them a liquid feed? When they are placed out in May are they going in the ground or do you just up-size the pots?

    1. Thanks, Andrea! No liquid feed, just potting soil, water and light 🙂 When they go outside they will go in the ground and in a few raised beds and I will sprinkle a bit of crushed eggshells in the bottom of their new hole.

  2. Those tomatoes are huge. I am a strange one with tomato transplants. I put them out when four weeks old. I don’t know anyone else that puts them out that soon.

    1. Well, if it works then it works, right?! Those tiny little guys will either figure it out or not 🙂

  3. I was going to ask a very silly question about why you had eggs under your grow lights but they I realised they were probably potatoes?

    1. Haha! Yes, they are potatoes 🙂 They were chitting on the washing machine but had to be relocated when I moved the big tomato pots back inside.

  4. The plants are all looking good and your plan with the larger tomatoes will work well if you get it out often enough to ensure enough sun exposure – plus it gets you way down the path of hardening them off.

  5. Yeah crazy weather, your seedlings look happy, can’t believe you have flowers on your tomato plants already.

  6. You won’t have long to wait for those tomatoes!

    1. Here’s hoping! I sowed a little early on a few of them as an experiment…I just hope my experiment works 😉

  7. Your tomato starts look great! Your’s are a lot further along than mine. But we still have a month before they can go outside. How many hens to you have to get that many eggs?

    1. We have 7 laying hens. 5 are 2 years old and 2 are just a year old. They’re producing really well for us these days! Now, when our Newbies stay laying we’ll have to sell lots of eggs and freeze lots of eggs for the colder months, but for now it’s just about perfect 🙂

  8. It looks like everything is coming along nicely! I too had snow at the end of the week though I’m longing for spring. Here’s to a warmer week.

  9. Your tomatoes are doing well indoors. Everything looks good and ready to go outside when the weather stabilizes.

    1. Yeah…no doubt! We didn’t get much though and I think we made it through all the cold nights (for a while at least) without much damage to anything.

  10. Wow, I always forget that when we are sweating down here in SE Texas, that it’s still cold and winter-y in other places around the country. Stay warm and keep up the good work! You’ll be planting in no time and having amazing harvests.

    1. Ha! Right!? The differences on weather patterns, even form side of town to another, is crazy!

  11. Great looking plants. I usually don’t put out tomatoes until Mid May but have set out the biggest ones already. It is crazy weather we are having but I hope it will be a nice summer and great harvests!

    1. I really hope we have a fairly normal summer. With the lack of winter we’ve had, I’m very curious to see what the weather continues to do.

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