
Pushing Through

Happy Spring everyone!!!

Look what I found in the garden a couple of days ago!

Yep!  Rhubarb!  We transplanted it out of a big pot and into the ground last fall, crossed our fingers it would survive and it did!  We haven’t gotten anything really harvest-able off of it in the past two years, but I’m really hoping this year will be different!

I know, I know, it’s only the first day of spring and here I am fantasizing about strawberries and rhubarb!  But, really…I could really go for a homemade Strawberry Rhubarb Pie to kick off an unofficial beginning of summer in a few months!  

How about you? 
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6 Comments on “Pushing Through

  1. I’d be talking up the arrival of Spring too – here its cold today, and feels like winters on its way, but I’m just not ready – perhaps it will warm up again next week.

    1. Oh, I will hope for some more warm days for you! The shift is always the hardest. We still have the potential of 2 more months of frost and freezes, so we’re not out of the woods yet by any stretch of the imagination!

  2. They look so beautiful as they wake up! Happy spring to you.

    I planted some rhubarb last year, but it never took. I have been fooled before though, thinking something was dead and then POOF! its alive.

    I love rhubarb, but this winter it looked like lots of other people loved rhubarb too, because when we went to order it, it was sold out.

    Rhubarb Strawberry pie is such an amazing treat. I’m not a big dessert fan, but I will eat that. 🙂

    1. I’m not a big dessert fan either, but I love me some Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie 🙂

      Your rhubarb might surprise you. I thought ours was dead each year the first two years, but this spring it looks much healthier…not sure if it’s because it’s in the ground instead of a pot…but regardless, I’m excited 🙂

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