
Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!

We’re coming off an amazing weekend here (temperatures up close to 70 degrees) and according the forecast, we’re supposed to have a full week of 60 and 70 degree weather with lows above freezing!  Crazy.

I opened up the hoop houses yesterday and decided it was going to be warm enough to just leave them open overnight 🙂  I’ll do this as much as possible.  While I’m excited for the warm weather, I know that it probably won’t last…give it a couple of weeks and we just might have some snow on the ground…but who knows after the interesting winter we’ve had!

While I’ve started lots of little seedlings inside, aside from the beets and snap peas I mentioned a couple of weeks ago I haven’t planted anything outside yet this spring.  I do think, though, that it’s time for my little broccoli starts to go out and I want to get some fava beans and more peas in the ground.  I’ve never grown favas before, but am a little worried it might be too late already given our warm weather.   Any thoughts?

Just enough for two delicious salads!
This weeks totals:
  • Mixed Greens = 1 ounce
  • Beet Greens = 1 ounce 
  • Chard = 1 ounce
  • Spinach = 3 ounces
  • Kale =  3 ounces
  • Carrots = 2 ounces 
  • Eggs = 34

Happy harvesting!
Linking up to Harvest Monday @ Daphne’s Dandelions
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18 Comments on “Harvest Monday

    1. Thanks for the link…so cool!!! According to the site I am way late in planting, but the soil temperatures are fine…hmmm…I guess we’ll wait and see 😉

  1. What zone are you in up there? 5 or 6? I keep forgetting its colder just an hour north of me. We’re burning up down here. Its been in the 80’s for the last two weeks, with the exception of Sunday being in the 70’s. Its supposed to cool down for us this week, but still, this weather drives me crazy.

    I get so confused. Our last frost is in MAY! grrr! If we had regular temps, I’d feel more normal. But I am enjoying the heat. Me and Dom are recovering from massive sunburn. 🙂

    I LOVE all your harvest posts and seeing what you’re growing.

    1. We’re Zone 6…last frost mid to late May…enjoying 70+ degree weather in March…crazy! I can’t stop sowing tomatoes and peppers under the grow lights, but I might have to take care of them for the next 2 months! Insane! I checked the 10 day forecast and might get close to freezing on April 1st, but then the temps are supposed to go up again. not sure if i should be happy or worried…

      Hope you’ve healed form your sunburn! We get burned at least once every spring…the sun just feels so nice this time of year!

  2. I’m no expert on favas, but I think of them as similar to peas in the growing times. I plant them both around the time the soil defrosts for spring. This year was weird though as the soil never really froze solid for more than a couple of weeks.

    1. Yeah…I’ve been having a hard time gauging when to plant anything and have been trying to hold off since we still have (officially) 2 months of potential frost despite the 70+ degree weather right now. Definitely weird.

  3. Fava beans do tend to like the cold. We plant in Autumn for a Spring harvest. I’m wondering if they would survive in your hoop houses next winter – they are frost tolerant.

    1. Very cool! Well, if they don’t work this year, maybe I’ll throw them in one of the hoop houses next fall! Thanks for the idea!

  4. beautiful harvest, I so wanted to grow favas this spring…I love them so much and have never tried either. I hope you share how it goes. 🙂

    1. Thanks Jennie! I’ll definitely let you know how it goes! Hopefully I wasn’t too late in putting them in the ground!

  5. Looking good Bee Girl. We have a few late grapefruits & oranges and a couple of pomegranates (the tree is full but not ripe as yet), plus about 3 – 4lbs of plantains (still don’t have scales).

    Can’t believe how heavily laden the mango trees are this year. Everywhere I pass they are hanging heavy by the roadside, thousands of them!! Some weeks to go though before they are ready. Nothing much in the veg/salad garden yet but plenty of basil (large & small leaf varieties), green onions, garlic and mint in the herb garden. The thyme seems to have totally vanished??

    Enjoy your salad!

    1. Man, what I wouldn’t do for just a few of those fresh mangoes!!! Weird about your thyme…any ideas?

  6. Do you use plastic or frost cloth on your hoop houses? I had used plastic previously and then I purchased some frost cloth to try out this year. Hmm.

    1. We’ve used both in the past, but this year we just used plastic. I think next ear I’d like to come up with a way to have a floating frost cloth AND the plastic. I say floating because, in the past, when the frost cloth was just laying on top of the plants it would pick up the moisture in the hoop houses and then freeze to the plants…kind of counter productive, ha?

  7. It has been a strange winter; over 70 degrees then bam! Some snow and now the temps are pushing 80! I’m debating putting tomatoes in the ground more than a month early!

  8. We had a warm spell, a long warm spell, but starting today we are having the real March weather.

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