Eat - Grow - Harvest - Prepare

Independence Days

Happy Independence days everyone!  Here are this weeks accomplishments…

Plant something: 
  • 1 flat of greens (Sassy Salad, Micro Greens & Spinach)
  • Yellow Taxi Tomatoes
  • Cherokee Purple Tomatoes
  • Roma Tomatoes
  • Brandywine Tomatoes
I’ve got visions of tomatoes dancing in my head…

Harvest something: 
  • 1 oz mixed greens
  • 15 eggs

Preserve something: 

  • I’m wondering if I can count the seeds I have saved this week?  If so, I’ve saved seeds from both Acorn Squash and Butternut squash.  Both were grown in our garden last year, put in storage and just recently eaten 🙂

Waste not: 
  • Composting tea leaves (I drink a lot of tea, but don’t always compost the leaves, I’m trying to get better at this)

Want Not: 
  • We purchased 9 brand new baby chicks this week!  3 Ameraucanas, 3 Buff Orpingtons & 3 Australorps.  This means, at the end of the summer we should have 16 laying hens (barring any Rooster issues or unexpected deaths…)

Eat the Food: 
  • 1 quart of pinto beans
  • 2 pints canned tomatoes
  • Frozen lasagna
  • Frozen pancakes
  • Butternut Squash
  • Acorn Squash
    • both the winter squash were eaten…I think last week…not this week…but I wanted them to count 😉

Build community food systems: 
  • Does it count that I’ve spread the word to many of my after school families about how incredibly wonderful backyard chickens are???

Skill up:  

  • Tool Lady learned how to fix the dishwasher drain that pipes out through our kitchen sink.  It’s supposed to filter through and just go down the drain, but had been coming out the overflow valve and spilling into the sink.  Gross.  The culprit?  Sludge.  Gross-er!  But it’s all fixed now, and it cost us $0!!!

I hope you’re enjoying your Friday, regardless of what you’re doing 🙂
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11 Comments on “Independence Days

  1. Rerally like seeing all of the Independence day posts. I put my tea leaves and coffee in our worm farm. They love it.
    Happy planting.

    1. Thanks for popping by, Tracy! I am excited to catch up on everyone’s Independence posts this evening. And, yes, coffee and tea are like magic to the worms! I love it!

  2. this is great! I’m going to try to get my s*** together to join you with an independence days challenge post one of these days! we are getting our baby chicks in a few weeks!

    1. I can’t wait to see your posts! It feels good to mark down what we’ve done instead of feeling frustrated by what’s NOT marked off on the (ever growing) list.

      What kind of chicks are you getting?

  3. Those tomatoes on your list are my all-time favorites!! Great job meeting those challenges 🙂

    And, can I just say it once more about your chicks?: Awwwwwww!


    1. Thanks Jaime! And YAY to all time favorite tomatoes! After all the tomato madness last year, I’m trying to be a bit more intentional about which will take up space this year 🙂

  4. I think I’d go crazy weighing out all the food we eat. I am considering weighing out our compost though.

    I definitely think saving seeds counts as preservation. I didn’t add my squash to this week’s challenge although I should of. Honestly I didn’t even think of it. LOL! I’ll make sure to add saving seeds in the future.

    Here’s a link to my Independence Days Challenge:

    1. See, now I think weighing the compost might kill me! I started weighing veggies because it never felt like we were getting very much from our tiny beds. Once we started weighing it all though, it really *added* up 🙂

    1. I feel like such a slacker!! ha. Good job on everything! And the babies are adorable. It would so nice if they could stay like that. Of course, we would get really tiny eggs… 🙂

      oops, sorry was trying to edit and somehow lost my first comment.

    2. You are most definitely not a slacker! You’re just split between two homes…I can’t even imagine! However, once your at the farm more often, I bet I’LL start feeling like a slacker 😉 Keep doing what you’re doing, it ALL counts 🙂

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