
Sourdough Bread

Several months ago, I attempted to start a sourdough starter.  I say attempted because it failed miserably (there were flies and maggots involved, it was beyond gross).

Well, it took me long enough, but I finally got one going again and was very intentional to keep that baby covered up nice and tight this time!

Isn’t it pretty?  So, after a little more than a week of feeding this baby and waiting patiently, Tool Lady made our first batch of sourdough bread!

It was so tasty, she had to make a second loaf because the first one was half gone within just a couple of hours!  Yum-my!  Next I think we might try sourdough pancakes and english muffins…

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3 Comments on “Sourdough Bread

  1. I’ve got the sourdough bug, too. I started with biscuits (rocks), then crackers (awful), an applesauce cake (not bad), and then some bread that was actually good. Keep going! I can’t wait to try English Muffins!

    1. Trial and error, right?! I guess that’s all we can do sometimes! I would love to find a yummy cracker recipe! Will you please share one if you find one?

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