
Dirty Eggs & Cute Chickens

So, last week our chickens decided to lay their eggs not in their cozy nesting boxes, but in the back corner of their coop, right under their roost.  The problem with this?  Well, it is the only part of the coop that is not easily accessible to us without a shovel, broom or big stick.  So, in order to retrieve said eggs without fear of breaking them, I was forced to climb up into their coop.  Not a pretty picture, trust me (flailing arms, lack of balance, chicken shit everywhere…you get the picture).  Completely gross.  Here we were thinking they’d gone on strike again because we couldn’t find any eggs, but no, they were just playing a joke on us humans.

It’s hard to stay mad at them though when they follow you around, cluck at you like they’re trying to share some great story and then come to the back door later to say HELLO 🙂 Oh, and give us eggs most of the time!!!
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9 Comments on “Dirty Eggs & Cute Chickens

  1. They are such pretty eggs! I love looking for eggs in the coop! I have one that lays in the roost and another that lays in an old lawn mower catcher! Your girls are so pretty and I LOVE the pretty coloured eggs! We cant get Ameraucanas in Australia but I’m going to create crosses with my Lavender Araucana boy and my girls – I’m guessing these will be Easter Eggers? I cant wait to have pretty eggs like yours!

    1. Silly chickens!!! We got ours thinking we’d only get green and blue eggs, but they also give us brown, pink(ish) and speckled eggs as well! I love it! I can’t wait to see pictures when you get your pretty eggs, too!

  2. Ah, yes, the old lay-an-egg-under-the-roost-in-farthest-corner-from-human-reach trick! Mine have done it, too. And then taunted me. But I still love ’em anyway 😉

  3. They do like to keep you on your toes, don’t they?

    Thanks for making my morning.

  4. So jealous! Can’t wait to someday have eggs, but I have a blog post coming tomorrow about the eggs we get from our neighbors. Nothing like a fresh egg (or “real eggs” as we call them).

    1. Real eggs are definitely the best eggs 😉 Have you two thought about what kind of chickens you’d like to get?

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