
Antique Finds

On our trip to Missouri, we visited several Antique shops.  We don’t really have antique shops here, not like they do in the mid-west, at least.  Even second hand shops here are expensive (a $6 t-shirt, a $50 cast iron pan, etc) and most of the time, even if we find something cool, we usually can’t afford it at all (our bread machine and the cast iron pots have definitely been the exception the rule).  So, in our quest to experience “real” antique shops we pretty much stopped at every one we saw while on the road.  We didn’t really have anything in particular we were looking for, but had a ton of fun just looking and found a few items that probably can’t be categorized as needs, but we felt OK justifying as Christmas gifts for us for the house.

Aluminum and copper canister set!  The jewel of this set is the grease canister!

Old scale!  I can’t wait to fins a place to hang this guy up!
It’ll be awesome to use him for some of our bigger harvests next year.

A rolling pin that actually rolls!  Imagine that 🙂

An old apple basket (that says “rags” on the top).
This will make a wonderful harvest basket .

We also stopped at a couple of Goodwill’s thinking maybe they’d be different then the ones we have here, but they weren’t.  We did find a brand new ice cream maker, though, for super cheap 🙂

The one thing we would still really like to find is an old school bread box.  We found a few that were pretty ratty looking or just hard to open and one that was gorgeous and almost perfect but completely over priced.  Oh well, so continues our search 🙂

What about you?  What kind of second hand/antique shops do you have in your area?  Have you found any completely wonderful scores?

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8 Comments on “Antique Finds

  1. Angela – I am completely jealous of your cookstove! I have longed for one for years and years! Congratulations!

    Jeanne – Yes, it is! I seem to fall in and out of love with it and we’re officially back in love 😉

    Liz – It’s the intention that counts most!

  2. What fun antiquing is! and what great finds you have had.

  3. Love the cannisters! I love the grease ones too – although I now feel guilty for how much oil I fail to reuse…..

  4. I LOVE finding useful antiques. This fall we purchased a wood burning cookstove (its not hooked up yet) and I can’t wait till we can start to use it.
    I’m addicted to craigslist too for finding some nice older useful tools.

    Great find!

  5. Nice finds! We have an auction house here, and it has some amazing things. I don’t go very often, for that reason. But it occasionally has a tag sale, and things can be gotten pretty cheaply.

    Otherwise, I haunt the Goodwill.

  6. Kim – Thanks! We’ve been very excited to use them all 🙂

    Jocelyn – Ahhh…an auction house…yeah, I’d have to steer clear, too…or else have way too many things in this house!

    foodgardenkitchen – Yes! Thank you!

  7. I love your finds. Going to start looking after the holiday. ^_^

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