Happy Monday everyone!
I’ve been MIA in this space for a bit due to the fact that there have been no harvests to post about. Trust me, I’ve been very sad about it! However, this week I actually have a harvest to celebrate!
Yep, we’ve made it back into another green season! These mixed greens have been growing happily under our grow lights in our laundry room and provided us with an entire salad for 7 adults for Christmas dinner yesterday (the salad went perfectly with lasagna and french bread)! And there are still more to harvest!
Now, as you know, greens aren’t very heavy, but they sure are yummy 🙂
This weeks totals:
- Lettuce = 7 ounces
2011 total:
- 182 pounds
So, it looks like I won’t make my goal of 200 pounds this year, but I’m OK with it. It gives me room to grow next year 😉
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Lynn – No worries! I’m excited for the challenge next year! 😉
Sorry you didn’t make your goal. I’m sure you will next year. 🙂 Looks great!
What beautiful greens you have growing under lights! I really miss fresh lettuce right now.
GrafixMuse – Thanks! We are really enjoying them! I’m super grateful for our grow lights this winter!
Mary, Thank you! I am happy with what we;ve grown this year and am very hopeful I’ll meet my 2012 goal! With all the learning this year has provided, we should! 😉
delicious looking! mmmm organizing a lot of things will be my goal in the new year! Even if you don’t top your goal you have come quite close and surely you’ll make it next year!
You should be proud. 200 pounds is a lot of greens. Good luck with your goal.
B, B, B, and B – Thanks! I’m definitely proud, though there’s no way we’ll hit 200…this year, at least 😉 Thanks for popping over!
Liz – Thank you! I’ve been thinking a lot about minimizing wasted space, re-organization and making the best of what we have…sounds like a good theme for the coming year 🙂
Those greens look lovely -its great that they were laundry grown as well. Oh to think of all those under-utilised laundries the world over, there’s growing space everywhere when you think about it.