
2011 into 2012

I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about 2011 as it readied itself for it’s transition into 2012 and it seems as though there has been a few themes…Community…Inspiration…Joy…Growth…

Sunset – December 31, 2011
Our quite often dramatic sunsets gave way to a gentle transition into 2012.
Community…People coming together to share ideas, inspiration, hope.  People sharing laughter, love, care, whispers, truth.  Whether standing with me in the moment in person or sitting with me in spirit, I know I am surrounded by a community whose strength I can see and feel, every minute of every day.

Inspiration…New and old, forgotten and remembered.  Every texture, color, thread and piece of glass holds a bit of inspiration.  Each smile, laugh, shake of the head or hand holds a bit of inspiration.  Open hearts, minds and spirits…inspiring one another…inspiring each moment.

Joy…in everything….even the tears, because they lead me to grow and change and continue to become who I am becoming.

Growth…yes…This year was full of growth in so many ways, stretching, trying new things, working out kinks, guessing, tripping, wondering, trusting and hoping.  It was full of lots of questions and a few answers, lots of validation and more than a few humbling moments.

I have learned a ton, made plenty of mistakes and have grown to appreciate all the bumps along the way while slowly learning how to produce more and consume less.

Sunrise – January 1, 2012
Gentle transition into a new day, a new year.
A quiet reminder of the endless possibilities, opportunities
for growth and moments of joy that lie ahead.
Thank you, my wonderful readers, for coming on this little journey with me, with us.  Happy 2012!  Here’s to another year of community, inspiration, joy and growth!
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