

I woke up this morning feeling a bit like death warmed over.  Unfortunately, the feeling hasn’t much subsided.  However, as I lay in bed this morning, waiting to feel well enough to crawl out of bed and try to be productive, I got to thinking about how grateful I am for a variety of things.

~ A warm home on a ridiculously cold, cloudy, windy day
~ Garlic in the ground
~ Veggies in the Wagons

~ Food in the oven (courtesy of Tool Lady)
~ Our gorgeous sunsets
~ The ability to lay in bed until I decide that I can crawl out of it

Once I got my butt out of bed, I helped clean up the house a bit, put away the groceries Tool Lady got while I was sleeping, did the chicken chores (including pulling out the little water heater so their water doesn’t freeze solid every night) and watched a movie (or two) before acquiring a bit of the brain strength required for some homework.  Last, but not least, it was time to get caught up on some blogs.  
Now, I do believe, my bed is calling to me.  I am hopeful tomorrow will be more energy-filled so I can do some more homework and harvest some veggies from the Wagons (I’m hoping for our first broccoli)!
Whatever your weekend is bringing you, I hope you are enjoying it!  Cheers!
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7 Comments on “Today…

  1. cityhippyfarmgirl – No, no fun at all! Thanks for your well wishes!

    Jeanette – Garlic from the market can work! Just get organic and choose the best heads! Good luck!

    Liz – We are very blessed with our sunsets!!!

    Shanon – It is very nice to have someone to look after me…I am a lucky lady 🙂

    Laura – Thank you! I’m better!!!

    Jaime – Thank you for your well wishes! I appreciate them greatly!

  2. Sorry to hear you’ve not been feeling well. It’s nice to have someone who’ll look after you when you’re feeling under the weather. Congrats on the garlic!

  3. I’m still trying to get garlic in the ground! I went by the market today and they were out of planting garlic. Now I’m considering just buying some from the grocery store to plant. . . Probably would get mixed results from that.

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