
{this moment}


A Friday ritual.  
A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you feel inspired to share your moment, please leave a link to your moment in the comments below for all to see.
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7 Comments on “{this moment}

  1. Jaime – Yep, food art! Gotta love it!

    Jana – They are split peas…I also made available two types of pinto beans, rice, dried corn, straw and small wood chips 🙂 Thanks for visiting my moment!

    Linda – Thank you for visiting!!!

    Val – This photo is from work. I facilitated an activity with a group of girls ages 5-8 and they were so engrossed in this activity! They were so careful with each little piece they added to their page, it was pretty magical! Thanks for visiting!

    Barefoot – Right?! I love it!

    Liz – Thanks! There’s magic in working with natural items…kids absolutely love it and are so careful in how they handle it all!

  2. Oh great idea – I am definitely going to borrow that one – my 5 year old will love making art with peas.

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