Everything Else

Star Gazing

Last weekend Tool Lady and I went star gazing with some friends on a huge piece of property (10, 000 acres, I think) that is a both a preserve and the site of a future sustainable community in the Galisteo Basin, about a twenty minute drive from town.  
At first I was excited about the idea of purchasing property out there (you know, when we win the lottery), but upon further investigation, we found that while the home sites will be able to have a home, a shed and a garden, they will not be allowed to have any animals.  Boo.  In our dreams and plans, one day we will have more land (5+ acres), more chickens, more bees, a few goats and maybe even a few pigs and/or cows.  
This is our 6 year old friend, Beastie.  In a couple of weeks, she’ll help us harvest our potatoes.  She had tons of fun jumping from hay bale to hay bale while the Blue Grass band played in the background 🙂
Anyhow, it was a fun afternoon filled with a picnic dinner, some wine (for us grown ups), shell collecting and some star gazing through some incredibly huge telescopes.  
Beastie also found a ton of shell casings.  She collected them all, put them in a bag and took them home.  I’m sure they’re sitting on her dresser next to her dinosaurs and zombie dolls.  I sure do love that girl!

I don’t have a fancy camera, so I didn’t get any pictures of the moon or stars, but I got few good ones while we waited for the sun to set.


We really had a fantastic evening.  Cheap, fun, relaxing.  Fantastic.

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3 Comments on “Star Gazing

  1. Jody – absolutely! That dream place is waiting, just like we are 😉

    1st Man – The stars are truly amazing and I’m really just a dumbie when it comes to them! I learned that the bright star on the elbow of the big dipper is actually TWO that circle each other every 5 days! Who knew!!! How wonderful to have a home that will allow you to observe such things every night (if you so choose)!!! We are blessed to be SO close to the stars, that even being in town with all the streetlights, we can still see so much!

  2. Jody said what I was going to say, your dream place is out there somewhere, just waiting for you to come across it and discover it and make it yours.

    As for stargazing, I can’t wait for us to do the same out on our property. I remember several years ago, I was out there visiting the friends who owned it before and I kept asking what that weird cloud was…they said “oh, you mean the arm of the Milkyway Galaxy?” D’oh! Can’t wait to experience that again when we are out there on a regular basis.

  3. It sounds like a good day in an amazing place. Too bad they don’t allow animals. There’s a dream place out there somewhere, waiting to be found. I like cheap, fun, relaxing too, at that age, the kids don’t know the difference anyway!

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