
Garden Happiness(es)

So many tomatoes still on the vine!!!  Yellows and greens and …
…gorgeous reds!

The ladies do love their Scratch!

Lemon cuke, Brandywines and Pole Beans

Love really is all around…

This is the only one of it’s kind in our yard…

…but the Morning Glories have officially taken over everything I’ve let them!

Our potatoes are still very much alive.  Do I wait for them to die back or do I cut their stalks and hurry up the process??? Decisions, decisions!

Super late Honeysuckle

Mika did not understand why there was food in that basket!

Beautiful Blue Corn
Happy gardening!!!
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2 Comments on “Garden Happiness(es)

  1. Thank you! It really is the “small” things that make all the difference! 😉 Have fun looking for your summer seeds! I LOVE looking for seeds! It’s like a treasure hunt!

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