
Bee Stings & Balloon Faces

So…apparently I’m allergic to bee stings.  How allergic?  Well, the kind of allergic that swells up your face so you look like a balloon and makes the doctor give you an EpiPen “just in case you go into anaphylactic shock next time”.  Awesome.

I’ll spare you the horrifying pictures of my face (which was swollen yesterday and twice as swollen today…the sting happened on Sunday), but let’s just say that it was so bad today that I was afraid, if I stayed at work today, I would scare the children upon their arrival to our after school program.  So instead, I’m sitting at home (heavily medicated on some heavy duty antihistamines) drinking some hot tea.


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4 Comments on “Bee Stings & Balloon Faces

  1. Emily – Haha…we’ll keep the bees and I’ll just be especially careful (and keep my shiny new EpiPen close by in case I stop breathing). You’re poor dog! Yeah, it’s been a rough week! Oh well, such is life, right?!

    1st Man – WELCOME!!! Thanks for reading my blog! Keeping bees has been amazing! Even with the stings a swollen face! They’re such amazing little creatures! I think we’ll probably always keep bees. We hope to someday purchase 5+ acres and have a “Bee Garden”, a space apart from our veggie gardens and the chickens and us, where our bees can do their own thing without us getting in their way all the time 😉 BTW-I love your blog!!!

  2. Hey! I’m so sorry about your sting. I’m attending my first beekeeping class next week as my partner and I hope to have a beehive on our farm. This makes me nervous but hey, nothing good is ever without a little bump in the road, right? I love your blog by the way, it’s very inspiring. We hope to have chickens and bees and fruits and veggies, hopefully by this time next year! At least that what I write on my blog, ha.

  3. oh no! i guess beekeeping isn’t in your future. that happened to my dog once–her fault because she tried to eat the bee, it stung the inside of her lip. her normally thin snout swelled up huge and her cute brown face looked like a wonky football.

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