
The Evolution of a Single Bean

I am killing some time in garden, waiting for the temps to fall just a bit before putting in some of our fall/winter crops.  This bed holds broccoli in back (“this is just a test…”), buck wheat in the middle and a trio mix of bush beans in front.

The trio beans were given to us by our friend Carol (HEY CAROL!!!) a little over a year ago.  Last year they didn’t germinate, but this year they are doing just fine, both in this bed and in the bed with the failed echinacea.  These beans were put in this bed on June 25th after I pulled the first round of spinach and consist of Blue Lake 274, Cherokee Wax and Purple Queen Beans.

July 30, 2011

July 31, 2011
We have a flower!!!

August 1, 2011

August 2, 2011
We have a baby bean!!!
August 3, 2011
It’s like a perfect (backward) J!!!

August 4, 2011
Taking a rest on a leaf

August 5, 2011

August 8, 2011
Just a tad bit longer than my pinky

August 11, 2011
What a difference a few days makes!
More than twice as long as my pinky!

August 13, 2011
It becomes part of our harvest…

…and a make-shift mustache 😉

Thanks to Carol for providing the seeds that are becoming meals 🙂  xoxo

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