
Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!!!
We’re starting to see a little more color in our harvests, though not as much as I’d like!  Turns out that one of the mystery tomatoes that was transplanted and not labelled is another Yellow Taxi!!!  Ah well!  A tomato is a tomato and I am grateful for the taste of it regardless of its color!

Our biggest single tomato to date!  A whopping 4 ounces!!!
This week we’ve been eating as things are harvested as well as trying to preserve a few things as well.  We dried some mint, a few cherry tomatoes and carrots and created herb ice cubes with mint and basil.  We don’t have much put away yet, but hopefully we will soon!!!
Here are this weeks totals:
Tomatoes = 3 pounds 6 ounces
Carrots = 7 ounces
Mint = 9 ounces
Basil = 3 ounces
Snap Peas = 2 ounces
Bush Beans = 3 ounces
Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne at daphnesdandelions.  Check out what she’s harvesting, as well as what many, many others are harvesting!


Hope you all have a fantastic day!

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3 Comments on “Harvest Monday

  1. Ohhhhhh mint ice cubes! I need to try that! Great harvests!

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