
Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!!!  This week wasn’t as fruitful as I’d hoped it might be, but I’m still happy with the harvest…

Mint = 1 ounce
I’ve decided to keep on top of the harvesting and drying of our mint this year, so the plan is to snip a little each weekend in addition to the regular leaf here and there to add to glasses of water or iced tea.

Beets = 4 pounds, 4 ounces
I pulled the remaining beets from one of our raised beds last weekend and dehydrated them (some for “chips”, some for winter stew).  Now I just have to figure out what to put in their place!

Basil = .25 ounce (no picture this week)
Again, trying to keep on top of our little plants while they’re producing.  This batch was dried, but I plan to both dry and freeze (in the littlest bit of water in ice cube trays) as much basil as possible this year.

Snap Peas = 1 ounce (no picture of these this week either)
Again, we picked about 15 snap peas throughout the week.  Not even enough for a stir fry, but enough for little treats here and there.  I’ve also found that a snap pea is a nice thing to give to a guest as they’re walking through our yard 🙂

Garden Mystery…Can anyone tell me what happened to this beet???  All the others that were pulled looked just fine, but this one was…well…not fine.  Any ideas???

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne at daphnesdandelions.  Check out what she’s harvesting, as well as what many, many others are harvesting!


Hope you all have a fantastic day!

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7 Comments on “Harvest Monday

  1. Wow…replying to your comments got lost in the mix! Sorry for the delay!

    Robin – I’m glad to hear that you’ve vesited us (even if it was a long time ago)! Santa Fe is still beautiful, just must larger! I am continuously amazed by the beauty of my city and the surrounding geology!

    Hanni – We planted our mint in a big galvanized steel trough right outside our front door! It works perfectly for the day to day quick grab of mint for beverages, adds some green to our itty bitty porch and can’t take over anything but itself 😉

    Daphne – I hope to some day have multiple herbs to dry! As for now, I’m sticking with the mint and basil that has actually been successful 🙂

  2. Hurrah for your mint! That’s one of the plants I remember well from growing up…I need to find a good site to plant some so that it won’t eat the rest of my garden. 🙂

  3. I’ve been trying to get some herbs dried too. I sometimes forget to do them when I should, but I got my oregano done today. I think I’ll have to cut back the rosemary next.

  4. I have no idea what happened to that beet. I’ve also been trying to keep up with harvesting and drying the herbs for the year. That way I have better herbs and don’t have to rush to get enough dried at the end of the season.

    I see that you live in Santa Fe NM. What a beautiful place! My father moved to NM in the early 70’s and lived there until he passed in 1980. I haven’t been to your beautiful town/city since 1979. I certainly hope that it’s still as beautiful as it was then.

  5. Maybe…I haven’t discovered any creatures in the bed. There was a little digging happening about 3 months ago but it stopped after one day and I never saw any issues. The beet kind of looked like it dried out and then exploded. Weird. Oh well, I’ll surrender a single beets in exchange for 9 pounds of ’em 😉

  6. Any harvest is better than none – yikes, looks lilke something had a feast with the beet maybe?

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