
Harvest Monday

This weeks harvest is full of green (again) in the form of spinach and one lonely stalk of rhubarb.  I am excited to be pulling greens form the garden on a regular basis for salads, sandwiches and snacks but am really looking forward to some color (hopefully) soon!

This weeks totals are:
Spinach – 10oz
Rhubarb – 1oz (not including that huge leaf)
Total = 11oz

This doesn’t seem like much and I really should include all the spinach I eat each time I walk through the yard, but I don’t weigh it before I shove it in my mouth!

Our remaining kale is out of control but I still have some in the fridge from last week that we need to turn into chips, and I don’t want to harvest any new kale until the old stuff is taken care of.

Our very first stalk of rhubarb.  Not really sure what to do with it since it’s only one, single stalk…

I’ve been “picking as I go” for each meal so the spinach leaves are getting quite large, but I prefer this to wilty spinach in the fridge!

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne at Daphne’s Dandelions!!!  Daphne hosts these Monday posts by not only blogging about what she has harvested, but by also allowing fellow bloggers to add their names to her post as well so we can all see what each of us is up to!

Happy harvesting!

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5 Comments on “Harvest Monday

  1. I really need to start freezing some of my spinach! Thanks for the reminder!

  2. I’m the other way. I harvest what is ready in the garden and then I try to eat it all. I consider it an Iron Chef challenge to eat it all before it wilts. I’m usually successful. But I cheated with spinach. I froze most of it for the winter.

  3. One lonley stalk of Rhubarb is better than none at all 🙂

  4. Yup- some is better than none! I feel the same way with my strawberries – if only we could combine them! 😉

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