Chickens - Grow

Finding hope in chicken poop

How the heck do you find hope in chicken poop?!?!

A few years ago I read the book Harvest For Hope by Jane Goodall and went back and forth between feeling very overwhelmed by all of the madness we have created and feeling very empowered and quite capable of making changes in my day to day life to help our planet as well as become a healthier person in the process.  While my actions have ebbed and flowed over the past few years my passion has maintained.

These days there are lots of things to be worried about including (but not limited to) earthquakes, tsunamis, civil wars, the economy, radiation levels, plastics, chem trails, crime statistics and where I might be able to purchase some good-for-me-food.  At times it can all feel very heavy and I find myself wondering what difference I can make, really, in the grand scheme of things.  Unfortunately, I can’t control the tectonic plates, crazy men with guns or the planes that fly over our heads, however, there are a couple of things I have come up with that I do have the power to control.  Small things?  Yes, but sometimes all we can do is look at the little things and hope they add up.

~I can appreciate our chickens for their eggs and their personalities
~I can tell Monsanto to suck it.
~I can use my beat up water bottle a thousand times and purchase plastic water bottles zero times
~I can grow some of my own food and save seeds and grow some more food (and be very excited about it)
~I can vow to use my last roll of paper towels and not purchase them ever again
~I can take shorter showers and purchase more rain barrels
~I can drive less and carpool more
~I can seriously consider the purchase of a bike (hopefully on sale) and ride like a kid again
~I can continue our membership of a CSA and really learn how to cook seasonally
~I can shop at the Farmer’s Market occasionally and set the intention to shop there more than occasionally
~I can compost my leftovers and leaves and chicken poop
~I can build more raised beds
~I can fill our bird feeders and feed the birds
~I can wait patiently for our bees to arrive in the mail and look forward to their fantastically yummy honey and
  magical pollination
~I can remember that hope can be found in the people around me, the cluck of a chicken and the warmth of
  my home grown mint tea

That’s how you find hope in chicken poop!  Cheers!

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