Everything Else

Pieces of the puzzle

Well now, here is my little addition to the explosion of Take Back Urban Home-steading(s) -ness. 

What we have before us is a collective dream to produce more and consume less, to experience this world at it’s richest and leave it in better shape for our kiddos than it was made for us.  Our collective goal is (most generally speaking, of course) to grow more, drive less, compost scraps, raise a few chickens (eat some good eggs), help the bees, know where our food is coming from and relish in the knowing that we are not alone.  We do all this on our own little Urban Home-stead(s).  Itty bitty growing spaces in the middle of towns and cities because we either don’t want to or can’t afford to move into the country and have a go at it. 

Now, can anyone tell us to stop?  Nope.  Can they tell us what to call what it is that we do?  Apparently.  By law.  A certain family now can.  This article explanes it pretty well and has all of the trademarked words/statements/craziness… 
Will this stop any of us from living our dreams and gaining joy from the process?  Nope.  Will it enable us to rally (virtually, if not in person) and build a stonger community?  Absolutely.  We are all in this together.  We are all pieces of an intricate and beautiful puzzle, all working through the mud and the muck and sharing a common vision. I almost (almost, but not really) feel bad for the Dervaes family and their little Urban Homestead, because although they live smack dab in the middle of Pasadena, I have a sneaking suspicion that they are feeling quite lonely right now. 
I, on the other hand, am feeling quite good as part of a thriving, passionate community!  Cheers!
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2 Comments on “Pieces of the puzzle

  1. I know I’m about a year too late but this was really well put. Thank you.

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