Garden Update
  • May 28, 2013
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Garden Update

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that the garden was almost completely in…

Well, apparently I’m having a rough spring in the garden because I still have a couple of things to do (mainly, plant out our pallet beds).  However, after pulling together several loose ends today, I’m feeling pretty good about it all!  Here’s a little update, in pictures…

I finally got out squash bed in!
Fingers crossed for bountiful harvests!

Tomatillo blossoms!

Luffa blossom!  This poor luffa has gotten incredibly
battered by the wind over the past couple of weeks,
but I’m finding hope in the few flowers that are
 powering through!

Yellow Taxi tomatoes!  Yes, there is a benefit to
starting your seeds inside in February!

An itty bitty Roma tomato.

We lost one of our Honey Suckles last winter, but the
two that survived smell and look absolutely divine!

A few of the  Lemon Cucumbers that will climb up our
huge teepee.

Bush Beans!

(and straw sprouts from a bad batch of straw used as mulch)

Black from Tula tomato

Broccoli and Pac Choy



Baby strawberries!!!

Sunflowers and cucumbers.

Pie Pumpkins

Three Sisters bed; Corn, Beans & Squash

We’re determined to add some more color to the garden
this year so we’ve invested in a few annual flowers.
They won’t produce any fruits but their beauty
will be worth every penny.

Potatoes!  I finally got the potatoes into their buckets.
Five buckets to be exact.

How are things going…er…growing in your garden?

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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm


  1. Nancy

    Everything looks so good! I just planted our tomatillos in containers this year. I planted one in a container last year and it grew very well but didn’t put out any fruit (it flowered) and I think it’s because I only had one. Hopefully I’ll be getting them this year. 🙂

    1. Bee Girl

      Oh yes! There’s nothing like a tomatillo straight from the garden! I’m glad you’re trying again! Now, I have to ask…were you surprised by how large the plants get??? I had no idea they could get as big as they do!

  2. kelli

    looking good! i planted my sunflowers with cukes too and now the big leaves are shading the cukes! i’ve been cutting off the sunflower leaves – what would you do?

    1. Bee Girl

      Oh man…Yeah, I guess those huge leave *would* shade the cukes! I think you’re probably right to trim back some of the leaves. Ours are planted in a way that the sun comes in at the perfect angle to hit the cukes and the sunflowers…for now 😉 Time will tell! Can’t wait to see how your experience goes!

  3. Dawn Suzette

    The garden is looking great. I was just reading about growing luffa. I want to try it! Have you grown it before?

    1. Bee Girl

      Thanks, Dawn! We tried to grow luffa last year but it died back pretty much as soon as I transplanted it. So, this year I started it earlier and, even though it’s a little battered form the wind, it’s still growing pretty well. Time will tell but I am very hopeful! How cool would it be to harvest our very own luffa sponges?!

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