Spring Projects (Inspired by Pinterest)
  • April 16, 2013
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Spring Projects (Inspired by Pinterest)


Since beginning our journey into the world of urban farming a few years ago, it feels as though we’ve been go, go, going non-stop. From the removal of rocks to the building of beds to the tearing out of old Junipers to the shoveling of soil to the planning and implementing and back breaking, down and dirty, actual work, we’ve been actively transforming our property in big ways for a few years now (you can read about a lot of the transformation here, here and here).

It’s been wonderful, mind you, but exhausting, and I’m not sure that my words right now can properly convey how happy I am to have all of the really big projects out of the way.  And, now that they are out of the way, I’ve been spending some time (OK, a lot of time) on Pinterest dreaming about all the fun things we can do in the yard this year!  Not sure we can get them all done, but a girl can dream, can’t she?


diy garden

cross zero by Lime



Here’s another, smaller, more realistic version


Wrap fairy lights around tree trunks to create a special seating area in your garden.

  • A wooden picnic table on the back porch with a beverage trough built into the middle of it
  • A tipsy planter tower built out of random and colorful pots
  • A more permanent fire pit
  • Garden games!  Because who doesn’t love tic-tac-toe, hop scotch and checkers?!
  • A Bug Hotel/Mason Bee home
  • String some lights up!
What plans do you have for your outdoor spaces this spring and summer?  And, I have to ask, do you spend as much time on Pinterest as I do?  Holy moly…it’s time to get out there and start doing things!
Hope you’re enjoying a beautiful day!
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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm


  1. Dani

    Love the fire pit, but wouold add a row or two of bricks on the top edge to prevent the sparks flying aorund and possibly starting a fire… 🙂

    1. Bee Girl

      Safety first, of course! I’m hopeful we get some rain this spring/summer so we can even have a fire or two in our pit!

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