The Chicken Whisperer
Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm


  1. Natural Mothers Network

    I loved this title and your images too, thank you for sharing your love for these little beauties with us and I hope very much to see you over at Seasonal Celebration today! Rebecca @Natural Mothers Network x

  2. Andrea

    Your girls look very content, we had a lovely shower of rain yesterday first in over 2 months and my young chooks had never seen/felt rain before it was amusing watching them.


    What a happy looking flock. Lucky hens, they get to free range. Sadly, our yard is way too small and there are too many hawks in the neighborhood for my girls to have outings. They stay safe and secure in their totally enclosed and roofed coop and pen. BTW, I thought of tool girl the other day as I used my new cordless circular saw for the first time to cut lumber to build a simple plant stand. Girls need power tools! Lou

    1. Bee Girl

      Congrats on building that plant stand! Girls absolutely need tools, too! It’s so empowering to be able to make your own things!

      I’m glad we don’t have to worry about hawks and such here! Our biggest issue is cats, but I think they like to watch and catch mice more than harass our big, fluffy chickens 😉

    1. Bee Girl

      Thanks, David! We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to be able to keep chickens in the city!

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