Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!

I promise we harvested more than a couple of peppers, a melon and a few tomatoes!

Happy Hot Peppers
Our Mystery Melon!  

Tomato Bounty:
(top row) Italian Heirloom, Sweet Small Cherry, Bi-Color Cherry,
Orange Flesh Purple Smudge, Cherokee Purple
(bottom row) Yellow Taxi, Black From Tula, Roma
Unfortunately, due to busy-ness, those are the only three photographs that were taken of this weeks bounty.  Such is life sometimes.  
Yes, the variety is quickly dwindling but it’s not quite boring yet!  Many harvests were made and many items were canned (in addition to the madness I posted about last week).  
How is it that the days get shorter just when you need a bit more time in each and every day to put the garden to rest?
This weeks totals:
  • Basil = 2 oz
  • Cucumbers 
    • Lemon = 4 lb 11 oz 
    • Mystery = 1 lb 11 oz
  • Mystery Melon = 3 lb 6 oz
  • Pears = 8 oz
  • Peppers
    • Bell (Green) = 7 oz
    • Happy Hot = 2 oz
    • Happy Yummy = 6 oz
    • Mystery = 4 oz
    • Shishito = 3 oz
  • Pole Beans = 6 oz
  • Pumpkins (Pie) = 2 lb 
  • Tomatoes = 21 lb 10 oz
  • Eggs = 52

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Happy harvesting!
Linking up to Harvest Monday @ Daphne’s Dandelions
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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm


  1. Malay-Kadazan girl

    Golden chili I like it. Have to find some seeds thinking of growing them next year. How hot it is?
    Wow a lot of variety you are harvesting, no doubt its difficult to take photo of all your harvest.

  2. Mary Hysong

    I don’t seem to have enough hours in a day no matter how long the sun shines! Lovely harvest tho, love that melon!

  3. Andrea

    21 pound of tomatoes ! now that’s a lot! love the color of your peppers and I bet that Melon was tasty, it looks so fresh and juicy.

    1. Bee Girl

      Ha! Yep, 21 pounds! Crazy, right? Not sure how we will ever top the bounty of this year (but I will still try)! 😉

  4. Ngo Family Farm

    I seem to have a lot of mystery garden produce this year, too. I think someone with small hands might have rearranged my garden markers 😉 Beautiful harvest.

    1. Bee Girl

      Haha…yes, little hands in the garden tend to enjoy moving things around 😉 I wish I had some little hands to “blame” all my mysteries on this year, but alas…just me! 🙂

  5. Liz

    Peppers, tomatoes and melons! Even if you had photographed more it would have taken a lot to top those.

  6. Michelle

    Not enough time indeed, and here I am waiting to be called for jury duty when there’s pounds and pounds of produce in my kitchen needing my attention. Why couldn’t I get the summons in the dead of winter? 21 more pounds of tomatoes, that’s impressive.

    1. Bee Girl

      Oh no! Well, jury duty is important…but sometimes not as important as putting up some food for the winter, ha? Hope you’re finding some time to rest a bit, too!

  7. Jenni @ RainyDayGardener

    Oh, I can so relate to you on the needing more time despite the days getting shorter and shorter! So much to do still outside! Your harvest was great this week! Cheers, Jenni

    1. Bee Girl

      Thanks Jenny! I hope you’re getting everything done that you want/need to before the chill sets in!

    1. Bee Girl

      Good guess! The peppers are actually part of an experiment being conducted by Dave @ ourhappyacres.com They’re called Happy Yummy Peppers and are a little sweet and a lot hot! 😉 Good stuff!

  8. Shawn Ann

    That is a nice variety of tomatoes. I especially like the looks of that top one! And your hot peppers look really good too!

    1. Bee Girl

      Thanks! It’s been fun experimenting with so many different types of tomatoes this year! I’ll have to do a proper post about it once things slow down a bit 🙂

  9. Norma Chang

    You may only have 3 photos but they are lovely. The tomatoes photo is so artistic. How did the mystery melon taste? I see you are still getting many eggs.

    1. Bee Girl

      Thanks, Norma! the melon tasted a bit like cantaloupe and more like honey dew! So delicious 🙂

  10. kitsapFG

    I hear you on the days being shorter just when you need them to be longer! That melon looks delicious. 😀

    1. Bee Girl

      Oh man…it was absolutely delicious! I hope your shorter days have been productive, but not too crazy 🙂

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