The Business of Art
  • September 25, 2012
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The Business of Art

Art, until about a year ago, was always one of those things that I’d done from time to time for fun.  Not anything I did to earn money or to really put out into the world.  Then, about a year ago, I decided to make a go of it.

It’s terrifying to work hard to create something beautiful, and then hope others think it’s beautiful, too!  However, there’s really nothing like receiving an order or having a conversation with someone about what they’d like to custom order or receiving feedback that, once they held my piece in their hands, they thought it was even more beautiful than when they ordered it!

Someday, I do hope to earn a bit of my living from my art sales.  I don’t have any illusions that my art can support us fully, though that would be amazing, but I’d love to earn a good supplemental income and for it to come from something I absolutely love doing.

Now, I’m sure I could be doing more for my fledgling business than posting to etsy and handing out business cards here and there, but aside from figuring out how to participate in arts and crafts fairs, I’m kind of at a loss and am completely open to any ideas or advice you, Dear reader, might have to offer me.  Have you started your own small business?  What do you sell?  How did you get started?  Any information/inspiration/tricks you would be willing to share about any aspect of a small business would be so greatly appreciated!

Thanks you in advance for your wisdom 🙂
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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm